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  1. Mr.Tom

    Tricks to shut down your windows faster

    When you shut down Windows XP, the OS tries its best to make sure that all services (they help run things like graphics, printers etc) are shut down. But there are times when they don’t close, thus Windows XP tries to give it the chance to shut down itself. This amount of time that windows waits...
  2. Mr.Tom

    Crack the RAR password with “RAR password cracker”

    This program is intended to recover lost passwords for RAR/WinRAR archives of versions 2.xx and 3.xx. The program finds by the method of exhaustive search all possible combinations of characters (“bruteforce” method), or using passwords from lists (“wordlist” or “dictionary” method)...
  3. Mr.Tom

    The Hacker’s Underground Handbook

    I wish this book was around when I began my journey to learn how to hack. It was made specifically for the beginners who really want to get into hacking and for those of us who began and got lost. Download The Hacker’s Underground Handbook starts off with the very basics with topics like...
  4. Mr.Tom

    How to see saved password in Mozilla firefox

    Here is simple hacking tutorial to view the saved passwords in Mozilla firefox. While visiting public internet cafe ,some innocent peoples click the “Remember” while mozilla asking for remembering. This is one of the benefit for us to hack their account in very simple way. Follow these steps...
  5. Mr.Tom

    A Beginner’s Guide to Ethical Hacking Ebook download

    Any one running a website related to Hacking gets this question asked daily “How to Hack?”Most of us are curious to learn hacking but dont know where to start,so I am writing this article for all those people who want to Learn Hacking and dont know where to start or want to Learn Hacking from...
  6. Mr.Tom

    Date Cracker 2000-No more trial softwares

    Date cracker is a best software to remove the Date Protection (trial protection) in any software. This software works for almost many softwares. Crack all softwares with this “Date Cracker”. When you crack the softwares with “Date Cracker 2000” , the software will show always “There are 90 days...
  7. Mr.Tom

    Paypal Guide: Never Get Limited Again

  8. Mr.Tom

    CVV manual

    CVV Manual SAMPLES: USA: carmen medina;;;5120255014331111;;;848;;;0610;;;11400 Cosca Park Pl;;;Clinton;;;MD;;;20735;;;[email protected]; ;;301-877-3192;;; Now i want explain what is this info about . carmen medina - Its First and Last name . 5120255014331111 - Its Credit Card Number...
  9. Mr.Tom

    Ebay Carding [Breif]

    Hi brothers, here i present to you, a brief (not detailed) method of succesfully carding Ebay Follow these steps: - Get a good CC (spam for fullz or buy from good shop) - Get an RDP and a SOCKS account (for speedy processing, paypal uses timeout factor to decline transactions) - U can use...
  10. Mr.Tom

    CCV carding tutorial [Social Engineering trick]

    Requirements: Hacked Credit Card Credit Card's Owner Adress What the trick is if you want Apple Ipod,Macbook pro or iphone 5 go to any shop you desire which sells electronics. put billing = shipping adress = registration adress = credit card owner address you will go to paypal page enter...
  11. Mr.Tom

    CC + Paypal Cashing out

    Today im going to tell you how i have gotten money from the credit card to my bank account, while being virtually untraceable. step 1 Obtain a decent credit card, can be from one with a balance of 20 to 20000, whichever you fancy step 2 Find any mmo currency site (i usually pick runescape...
  12. Mr.Tom

    Paypal Carding Tutorial

    Good day. I would like to tell you how to cheat SHOPS or other stores where they use PayPal. To begin to briefly tell what the topic: 1) Interest is how it is possible to prepay via PayPal, that would cardholder neither of which has not come. 2) How to make people think shop, that you...
  13. Mr.Tom

    Access blocked website in college or school or net center-Proxy Server

    In your college or school they restrict to see some sites ? You can access without any restrictions using the proxy server. What is Proxy? Proxy server is some kind of a buffer between your computer and the designated internet destination. When you use a proxy server , your computer will send...
  14. Mr.Tom

    Recover deleted files in windows

    If you have lost important files from your hard drive and if you are sure that they have been deleted, don’t panic! Uneraser is simple software that can help. In this tutorial, we will see how Uneraser works. Download here For example, I delete movie file on Local Disk (E:) , how to recover...
  15. Mr.Tom

    How to create your own HTTP server

    After reading this you can create your own http server in your system. A web server is software installed on a computer that allows other computers to access specific files on that computer/server. There are many reasons to create your own home servers. For example: file sharing, so you can...
  16. Mr.Tom

    What is Firewall -Introduction to Firewalls

    Introduction to firewalls When you use internet in your college/school/offfice , You may not be access some websites, right? Do you know how they block those websites? They use firewalls for block websites. Firewall prevent the system from hackers attack. Lets us what is firewall. What is...
  17. Mr.Tom

    How to secure your system from Keyloggers

    Now a days keylogger is major problem for all. So we should learn to secure our computer from keylogger. This article will help for ethical hackers or who want to protect their pc. What is Keylogger? Keylogger is one of spyware which will what type you through the keyboard and send it to...
  18. Mr.Tom

    C program and how to compile it.

    Hackers should have at least basic knowledge about programming. Plenty of hackers choose python as their first language. Thought it is good scripting language, i would suggest you to start from a solid programming language. So, the best one is C Programming. You may not be using the C...
  19. Mr.Tom

    How to change the icon of EXE file

    As i hacker, we need to learn how to change the icon of executable file(exe). So that we can change the icon of virus files while sending to victims. This tutorial will teach you how to change the icon of exe file. 1. Goto and download the trial version of Icon Changer and...
  20. Mr.Tom

    Create a virus program to disable the USB ports in C program

    All budding hackers eager to learn how to create a virus . Here is simple tutorial which will make a virus in c program(no need to worry ,if you don’t know about c program because coding is here for you). Steps to follow: 1. Download the source files from here: Download 2. Extract the...