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Western Union Carding Tutorial Safe And Easy

Gold Max

Staff member
You will require the accompanying apparatuses before you go to and move cash.

1. A total Historical verification of the card holder

This is since, supposing that you will attempt to move anything more than $100 dollars USD they will pose you different inquiries, for example, your past location, Government backed retirement number, Date of birth, Moms original surname, what your center name is, what bank gave you your Mastercard, and so on. To get that sort of infomation you should go to a site like and it costs about $60 for the infomation you could require for western association.

2. Telephone spoofer/voice transformer

You will require this since western association will think you are a fraudster on the off chance that you arent calling from the card holders telephone number so you should utilize a telephone spoofer administration to make the guest id at western association concoct the card holders telephone number. Essentially stunt western association into thinking your calling from the card holders house. The voice transformer accompanies the telephone spoofer administration and you really want this clearly so your own voice isnt being recorded incase of an investication and furthermore if your a male and your utilizing a females cc to get cash from wu you will need to change your voice to seem like a female.

3. Call fowarding administration

This is the sort of thing you will require in light of the fact that the telephone parodying administration blocks 1800 numbers or any complementary telephone number. You can dial 10 digit numbers with telephone spoofers so you need to get a call fowarding administration so when you call the 10 digit number from the call sending administration it will foward to western association.

4. Web telephone administration

On the off chance that you are situated in europe this is a must in light of the fact that it will cost you a lot to utilize the spoofer and call fowarding administration and it is likewise not detectable. I for one utilize my prepaid phone however i'm situated in the USA.

After you have that stuff all set up the primary thing you really want to do is settle on certain the decision fowarding works and the spoofer works and thinks of anything number you put in for the guest id. At the point when you at last have that all set up and you have your record verification all set up then you go to and make the exchange. After you make the exchange it will in all probability express something to the effect "Move on hold, Kindly call Western Association to affirm" or something like that and you hit them up with the guest id/spoofer and call fowarding administration. n00b's to this might have a few issues and probably won't have the option to pull this off the initial 10-15 times however you will get its hang as I did. I have done around 13 exchanges and just had perhaps 6 really go however for pickup. Something else you ought to get is a phony id since that will be the best way to connect back to the fraudster in an investication. In the event that you have a phony id and use it to pickup cash you will in all probability not get found out or it will be exceptionally difficult to find you.
Recall that you may not find success your initial not many times but rather continue on and when you truly do get a fruitful exchange you will be truly cheerful. A few things I might want to bring up is that first check and ensure the card your going to utilize is substantial, I for one use yippee wallet to confirm the cc before I even consider utilizing it. Likewise, to get parodying administration for guest id/voice transformer I use and for the call fowarding administration I use is