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The method is really simple, it worked the very first time I tried doing anything like this. Ok, so first of all you need to crack an account preferably one that hasn't been used for a couple months, and one that was created a fairly long time ago reason being so that they can't check if your location is completely different. So once you find the account you want to try and crack, head over here and you want to fill in the form as legitimately as possible, here is an example:

Your email address || [email protected] < Here go and make an email similar to the name/summoner name of the account you cracked, makes it seem more legit. Also use the same email site they use, or at the very least the same country.
Username || ToppKekk
Summoner Name || ToppKekk
Region || Europe - West
Signup region || Europe - West
Date of birth (month/day/year) || I put a fake one anyway. 19/08/1990 < Most people put a fake date when they register so this seems legit, simply put a random reasonable date afterwards.
Original email address used to register the account || honestly can't remember, it was a long time ago since I used it
Creation date of the account (month and year) || End of 2011 if I remember correctly < I just looked at the date of the first champion that he bought using LoL account checker, make sure to not put the exact date as it seems sketchy if you do.
Location where account was registered (city and country) || Spain < I just put a random country that is in EUW.
The last time that you had access to the account (month/day/year) ||01/06/2015 < This doesn't really matter that much, as long as it is reasonable.
First purchase made with RP / First 5 champions ever purchased || Cant really remember all champs but I remember Annie being first then probably Tryndamere < This info can be found in LoL account checker, I wouldn't put all 5 champs since it seems sketchy. I would say the maximum is 3 champs here.
List of content (e.g. skins, champions) you have refunded on this account || Don't remember refunding anything
Who created this account? || I did < Kind of obvious.

I would like to apologise for my terrible formatting. Also a little side note, if you know the guy is foreign then try and change up your language a lil' bit y' know an mak a cuple spelin mistaks.