BidenCash Shop
Rescator cvv and dump shop
adv ex on 30 October 2024
Kfc Club

Patrick Stash
banner expire at 13 August 2024
Yale lodge shop
UniCvv carding forum
swipe store

Carding Terms for NOOBS 2024

Gold Max

Staff member
Billing address -> the card owner address

Drop -> innerman. His task is to receive the money or goods and, accordingly, to give the part of the earnings to you.

Biling -> office, which has agreement with a bank. Also this office assumes payments for the cards.

Card bill -> it’s a Bank emitent card bill.

Bank-equirer -> bank, in which the store opens the account.

Merchant account -> bank account for accepting credit cards.

Merchant Bank -> bank, through which occur the payments between the buyer and the salesman (frequently it is used as synonym “bank-equirer”).

Cardholder -> owner of the card.

Validity -> suitability card using.

White plastic -> a piece of the pure plastic, where the information is plot.

CR-80 -> rectangular piece of pure white plastic (without the drawing image) with the size of a credit card with the magnetic strip.

Transaction -> charege to the credit card

POS terminal (Point Of Sale terminal) -> reading card device, which stands at commercial point.

PIN-code -> the sequence, which consists of 4-12 numbers. It is known only to the owner of card. By simple words password for the work with ATM and so on.

AVS -> the card owner address checking. It is used for the confirmation of the card belonging exactly to its holder.

“Globe” -> card holographic gluing with the image of two hemispheres (MasterCard).

Pigeon (hen) -> card holographic gluing with the image of the flying pigeon (VISA).

Reader -> information reading device for the readout from the magnetic strip of card.

Encoder -> read/write device for the magnetic track of the card.

Embosser -> card symbol extrusion device.

Card printer -> card information printing device. -> card validity period.

Area code -> the first of 3 or 6 numbers of the card owner phone.

CVV2, cvv, cvn -> 3 or 4 additional numbers, which stand at the end of the number of card.

ePlus -> program for checking the cards.

BIN -> first 6 numbers of the card number due to those it is possible to learn what bank issued out the card and what is the type of this card (ATM-card, credit, gold, etc.). Synonym of word “Prefix”.

Chargeback -> the cardholder’s bank voids the removal of money from its card.

Dump -> information, which is written to the magnetic strip of the card, it consists of 1,2 or 3 tracks.

Track (road) -> a part of the dump with the specific information. Every 1-st track is the information about the owner of the card, 2-nd track -> information about the owner of card, about the bank issued the card, etc. 3-rd track -> it is possible to say -> spare, it is used by stores for the addition of the points and other.

Slip -> synonym to the word “cheque” (conformably to card settlings).

Card balance -> money sum that finding on the card account.
MMN Mothers Maiden Name, important if you want to change the billing address

Parking (parked) -> Installing device

Lips -> Reader

Jacket (dress jacket) -> Installing reader on ATM

Trousers -> Pinpad

Dress trousers -> Installing pinpad on ATM

Ironing jacket -> Charging battery of reader

Ironing trousers-Charging battery of pinpad

Cover -> Big panel, on which pinpad placing

Piece of iron , box, parking -> ATM

Stuff -> Cards or tracks

Second step -> Cashing

Institute -> Bank (like Finance institute)

Observer -> Person, who take care of all working

Fitter -> Person, who install and take off device

Inhabitant -> Cardholders

Side-show -> Time of device working (ex: today a lot of inhabitant on side-show)

Sofa -> Model of ATM

Citroen -> Model of ATM

Flat -> Model of ATM

Toothed -> Model of ATM

Disco -> Model of ATM

Tourists -> Group of workers who must install device

Chief -> Head of group