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top 5 carders forums

  1. TOKYO

    Western Union Tutorial 1

    Western Union Tutorial 1 You need main things to card Western Union ! 1) Fresh credit card or fullz contain dob ssn and mmn and other things This is the example of fullz First Name : BARBARA Middle Name : L. Last Name : MILLS Spouse Name : Father Name : Billing Address : 26 MAIN ST. City ...
  2. TOKYO

    Zydra - File Password Recovery Tool And Linux Shadow File Cracker From

    Zydra is a file password recovery tool and Linux shadow file cracker. It uses the dictionary search or Brute force method for cracking passwords. Supported Files RAR Files Legacy ZIP Files PDF Files Linux Shadow Files (zydra can find all the user’s password in the linux shadow file one after...
  3. TOKYO

    ATM Hacking [Tutorial]

    ATM Hacking [2021 Tutorial] As we reported earlier, Microsoft will stop supporting the Windows XP operating system after 8th April, apparently 95% of the world’s 3 million ATM machines are run on it. Microsoft's decision to withdraw support for Windows XP poses critical security threat to the...
  4. TOKYO

    friend adder elite 5.0.5 ( 8 in 1 )

    img][/img] friend adder elite 5.0.5 ( 8 in 1 ) full social friend adder new method and new techniques facebook friend adder youtube liker and subsriber twitter friend adder Hi5 friend adder Bebo friend adder Tagged Friend adder Skyrock friend adder MySpace...
  5. TOKYO

    Pickl3 - Windows Active User Credential Phishing Tool

    Pickl3 is Windows active user credential phishing tool. You can execute the Pickl3 and phish the target user credential. perational Usage - 1 Nowadays, since the operating system of many end users is Windows 10, we cannot easily steal account information with Mimikatz-like projects like the old...
  6. TOKYO

    Cash from CC using Westorn Union

    You are going to need the following tools before you go to and transfer money. 1. A complete Background Check of the card holder This is because if you are going to try and transfer anything over $100 dollars USD they will ask you various questions such as your previous address...
  7. TOKYO


    HOW TO CASHOUT WITH PAYONEER 1. Register for a Payonner account at Use real info(not your real info), you can find fullz with id scans on shops. Confirm your Payoneer account by uploading a picture of your ID. Go to, register for a merchant account using the same...
  8. TOKYO

    ★★★★★ LEARN WHAT'S ̲B̲I̲N̲ AND HOW IT'S WORK ★★★

    What is BIN? Bank Identification Number (“BIN”) or Issuer identification number (“IIN”) is the first six digits of a bank card number or payment cards number and it is part of ISO/IEC 7812. It is commonly used in credit cards and debit cards, stored-value cards, gift cards and other similar...
  9. TOKYO


    METHOD PAYPAL What you need: Buy credit card (CC) 1. Create a real PayPal account using your real credit card. 2. Get an anonymous SIM card. 3. Register yourself to liqpay from Paypal account and create a donation button. 4. UsingCC’s deposit some money using the donation button. (my advice is...
  10. TOKYO

    iTunes Redeem Gift Card

    500$ iTunes Redeem Gift Card: X3LVYJ8R2A9CR5
  11. TOKYO

    Paypal refund method

    Easy PayPal Refund Method This is going to be useful when you are trying to get free stuff from any store sites that is small for example "shoppy" "selly", etc. anything. Enjoy, Go on the transaction, file an item not described/recieved case. Open up PayPal on an app, then tell PayPal that you...
  12. TOKYO


  13. TOKYO

    Most wanted hack pack

    Most Wanted Hack Pack ●Anti Viruses ●BotNets ●Botting Programs (Ad Fly, ETC) ●Brute forcing Programs ●Cracking Programs DDoS ●Programs Deface Creators ●Doxing Tools eWhore Packs (Fetish) Exploiting Programs (SQL Map, ParanoicScan, Dedi Exploiter, AirCrack) ●Exploit Scanners (GoogleSeacher...
  14. TOKYO

    Fresh Uk Visa

    DEREK DEFOE 4462911564675016 2 2025 401 9c Woodgrange Road. London London e78ba uk 07729744432 GB Give rep+thx for more,,,,,
  15. TOKYO

    Live cc

    Number: 5178690542675825 EXP: 0325 CVV: 900 Name: Aldo Bustamante Country: United States State: CA ZIP: 90015 City: LOS ANGELES Street: 722 South Bixel Apt 803A Phone: 6197562100 Bank: UNION BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION GOLD
  16. TOKYO

    Fresh Valid Visa

    4266841271990440 | 307 | 06/25 | check Janice Goeller 160 E. Doe Run Rd. | Kennett Square | Pennsylvania | United States | 19348 | 610-299-6355 | [email protected]
  17. TOKYO

    Working cc

    User Details ================================================== ============== Year of Birth: 1953 Country : Germany City : Viernheim Address 1 : Rathausstr.16 Address 2 : Post code : 68519 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Firstname : Heinz Lastname...
  18. TOKYO

    Gift Card

    Code: 6060105221857051189 PIN: 538873
  19. TOKYO

    Royal Bank Of Canda Fullz

    Full Name : Luc Archambault address: 5501, Place Daviault cc: 4512238011600300 exp: 11 anul :25 cvv: 649 oras : Fermont Postal code : G0G 1J0 province :Quebec SIN : 250850815 mmn: Langlois DOB :10021965 Dl: A625510026504 expira la data de :10022025 telefon : 418-287-3465
  20. TOKYO

    2x Master card

    5214681487135848|12|2023|023 5214680337134225|07|2023|785