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  1. TOKYO

    How to Hack Web Browsers [2]

    Forwarding Ports In this tutorial we will be using BeEF inside of our home network using localhost if you intend for users outside the network to connect back to BeEF you will need to open ports within your routers configuration. Hooking a Browser The BeEF hook is a...
  2. TOKYO

    How to Hack Web Browsers [1]

    What is BeEF? BeEF is short for The Browser Exploitation Framework. It is a penetration testing tool that focuses on the web browser. Amid growing concerns about web-borne attacks against clients, including mobile clients, BeEF allows the professional penetration tester to assess the actual...
  3. TOKYO

    High-profile Government Websites Hacked for Dark web Cryptocurrency.

    News: Over four thousand high profile government websites have been compromised by dark web hackers on Sunday across the globe, mining virtual currency secretly, and particularly Monero. Monero has become one of the popular cryptocurrency recently especially on the ‘dark web’– a section of the...
  4. B

    H2Buster - A Threaded, Recursive, Web Directory Brute-Force Scanner Over HTTP/2

    A threaded, recursive, web directory brute-force scanner over HTTP/2 using hyper, inspired by Gobuster. Features Fast and portable - install hyper and run. Multiconnection scanning. Multithreaded connections. Scalable: scans can be as docile or aggressive as you configure them to be. h2 and h2c...
  5. Gold Max

    How to create fake or Phishing web page for gmail

    This post will explain you how to create fake or phishing web page for gmail. This Procedure can be used to make fake page for other websites like yahoo,msn,or any other sites which you want to steal the password of particular user. Steps for Creating Phishing or Fake web Page: Step 1: Go to the...
  6. Gold Max

    Use Original Domain Address for Phishing Web page

    Hi friends , you may have known about how to create phishing web Page. If you don’t know about Phishing Web Page, you need to read this tutorials first: Different Types of Email account How To Create fake or phishing web page Once you know the basics of Phishing web Page ,come to this...
  7. Gold Max

    How to Prevent from the Phishing Web page using Domain name?

    Hi friends, in my lost post i guide you to create a phishing web page using original Domain Name. That post is for Attackers. Here this post is for you victim. If you don’t like to become a victim of this Phishing web page, then you should read this post. Oh..!! i am sorry attackers. I must...
  8. M

    xRay Web Vulnerability Scanner Advanced v1.8.5 x64 Full Activated

    Download Link : VirusTotal: Unzip Password is 1
  9. Gold Max

    Complete azure web developer course.

    This course is designed for web developers who wants to learn about clouds and how to use cloud as a host for their websites. we will be talking about how to develop projects in azure and make them live, also how to use virtual machines just like our computer and make them host for our websites...
  10. Gold Max

    Web Attack Vector

    This attack vector provides us with more interesting, sophisticated and diverse ways of attacking users than the first. Speaking about the way through the web, you can select a common feature (with the only exception) that goes through attacks of this type - using a fake web page on an...
  11. Gold Max

    VOOKI - Web Application Vulnerability Scanner

    Vooki is a free web application vulnerability scanner. Vooki is a user-friendly tool that you can easily scan any web application and find the vulnerabilities. Vooki includes Web Application Scanner, Rest API Scanner, and reporting section. Vooki – Web Application Scanner can help you to find...
  12. Gold Max

    Complete azure web developer course.

    This course is designed for web developers who wants to learn about clouds and how to use cloud as a host for their websites. we will be talking about how to develop projects in azure and make them live, also how to use virtual machines just like our computer and make them host for our websites...
  13. TOKYO

    Web Attack Vector From

    This attack vector provides us with more interesting, sophisticated and diverse ways of attacking users than the first. Speaking about the way through the web, you can select a common feature (with the only exception) that goes through attacks of this type - using a fake web page on an...