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top 5 carders forums

  1. TOKYO

    How to hack a TP link WR841N router wireless network

    In this tutorial we will show you how to hack a TP link WR841N router wireless network with the default wifi password using Kali Linux. TP Link routers use the default WPS PIN as wifi password out of the box Which consists of 8 characters. We will try the following techniques to hack a TP link...
  2. TOKYO

    Tutorial To Card Products From Without CC

    1. First You Need To hack Wish Accounts 2. Then go to and login (Clear Cookies & Connect IP To Owner Location) 3. then choose the item that you want from shop and click buy 4. then click on view cart and see place order and i click on it 5. It moves to processing and then bomb email...
  3. TOKYO

    How to Hack Wi-Fi (WEP) – II

    For this tutorial you need external WiFi adapter or have Kali installed in your Hard Drive, not a virtual machine. Otherwise, look for the method using normal windows OS in the intermediate section Start up Kali, Login and then follow the below steps Step 1: Open console and type the following...
  4. TOKYO


    Crunchyroll Premium Accounts [email protected]:Dr3amland [email protected]:Sammie5301 [email protected]:452347gc [email protected]:Gresskar21 [email protected]:gamersx45 [email protected]:mariokart [email protected]:tokitoki123 [email protected]:eek:verlord0915...
  5. TOKYO

    🔰IPVanish Accounts From CRDCREW.CC

  6. TOKYO

    V3n0M-Scanner From

    V3n0M is a free and open source scanner. Evolved from baltazar’s scanner, it has adapted several new features that improve fuctionality and usability. It is mostlyexperimental software. This program is for finding and executing various vulnerabilities. It scavenges the web using dorks and...
  7. TOKYO

    DarkComet RAT From

    DarkComet RAT - in common "Comet" was created in 2008, in 2012 the project was closed, because The author considered that his tool was used not for good purposes, but for the purposes of hacking and hacking. Fearing responsibility, the author stopped developing DarkComet RAT and the project was...
  8. TOKYO

    A Novice's Guide To Hacking

    This file is an addendum to "A Novice's Guide To Hacking" written by "The Mentor". The word "hacking" is here used the way the non-hacking public thinks it is used, to mean breaking into somebody else's computer. Its purpose is to expand and clarify the information about the TOPS-20 operating...
  9. TOKYO

    A List Of Government BBS Numbers

    FEDERAL GOVERNMENT BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEMS (Last Updated: 8/23/94) OPM BBSs: ~~~~~~~~ MAINSTREET............. (202) 606-4800 Fed Pers & Job Info from OPM's Agencywide BBS Federal Jobline......... (818) 575-6521 Fed Pers & Job Info from OPM's Western Region BBS Fed Job Opp Board (FJOB) (912)...
  10. TOKYO

    Windows key + R = Run menu

    Getting used to using your keyboard exclusively and leaving your mouse behind will make you much more efficient at performing any task on any Windows system. I use the following keyboard shortcuts every day: Windows key + R = Run menu This is usually followed by: cmd = Command Prompt iexplore...
  11. TOKYO

    How to hack a WordPress website with WPScan

    This tutorial in the category WordPress hacking will teach you how to scan WordPress websites for vulnerabilities, enumerate WordPress user accounts and brute force passwords. Enumerating WordPress users is the first step in a brute force attack in order to gain access to a WordPress account...
  12. TOKYO

    Russia Fines Facebook $47 Over Citizens' Data Privacy Dispute

    , you read that right! Russia has fined Facebook with 3,000 rubles, roughly $47, for not complying with the country's controversial Data Localization law. It's bizarre and unbelievable, but true. <!-- adsense --> In December last year, Russian Internet watchdog Roskomnadzor sent notifications to...
  13. TOKYO

    Wpbullet - A Static Code Analysis

    A static code analysis for WordPress Plugins/Themes (and PHP) Installation Simply clone the repository, install requirements and run the script Code: git clone wpbullet cd wpbullet pip install -r requirements.txt python Usage Available...
  14. TOKYO

    WhatsApp allows Google to index user phone numbers

    The Click to Chat messenger function “sends” phone numbers to a search engine. Security researcher Athul Jayaram has warned of a threat posed by the WhatsApp messenger called Click to Chat. According to him, the function allows Google to index the phone numbers of users, and then they can...
  15. TOKYO

    New Network Protocols Abused To Launch Large-Scale Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks

    The Federal Bureau of Investigation issued an alert just the previous week cautioning about the discovery of new network protocols that have been exploited to launch large-scale distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. The alert records three network protocols and a web application as...
  16. TOKYO

    Chinese authorities monitor content of WeChat users registered outside China

    Users cannot determine whether their content has been monitored and, if so, why. WeChat chat accounts registered outside of China are subject to the same level of control as Chinese chat accounts and are used to strengthen censorship. Like any other Internet platform in China, WeChat...
  17. TOKYO

    Teenage hacker accused of stealing $ 24 million from a large businessman

    The victim of the crime was the executive director of the consulting company Transform Group. Michael Terpin, founder and CEO of Transform Group, a consulting firm, sued Ellis Pinksy, according to which a teenager, along with other attackers, hacked his phone and stole money in 2018...
  18. TOKYO

    The Prosecutor General's Office called the materials about the “chip population” fake

    Neither the WHO nor the Government of the Russian Federation have confirmed information on the artificial production of coronavirus. The Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation recognized the videos posted on YouTube’s video hosting and on the Odnoklassniki social network as...
  19. TOKYO

    Facebook stored hundreds of millions of user passwords in plain text for years

    Facebook is probing a series of security failures in which employees built applications that logged unencrypted password data for Facebook users and stored it in plain text on internal company servers. That’s according to a senior Facebook employee who is familiar with the investigation and who...
  20. TOKYO

    Czech Republic Master World Elite

    CCnum:: 5168720053032371 Cvv: 206 Expm: 08 Expy: 21 Fname: Daniel Lname: Vávra Address: Vysokoškolská City: PRAHA - SUCHDOL Zip: 16500 Country: CZECH REPUBLIC Phone: 606044452 Email: [email protected]