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  1. TOKYO

    Casinos and bookmakers conduct more than 1 million transactions a year through drop accounts

    Illegal casinos and bookmakers are trying to circumvent the Bank of Russia's restrictions on high-risk payments in various ways. According to F. A. C. C. T., a shadow business can make more than 1 million transactions per year through drop accounts, including using bots. To circumvent...
  2. TOKYO

    Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: cybercrime among teenagers soared 74 times

    In 2023, four thousand IT crimes were recorded. Since 2020, the number of IT crimes committed by minors in Russia has increased 74 times. This was announced by Artem Babintsev, Senior Inspector for Special Assignments of the Main Department for Public Order Protection of the Ministry of...
  3. TOKYO

    Weee! Grocery Service Hacked, 1.1m Accounts Leaked

    An information break influencing the US-based web-based staple conveyance stage, Weee!, has brought about 1.1 million clients' information being released on the web. On Monday, a danger entertainer named IntelBroker posted the information base on BreachForums. It is quite important that...
  4. TOKYO

    Shiny Hunters hackers stole 1 million customer data from Pizza Hut Australia

    The extortionists valued the privacy of the victims at $300,000, but will the company accept such conditions? The hacker group ShinyHunters recently claimed to have accessed the data of more than a million Pizza Hut customers in Australia. According to the attackers, they used vulnerabilities...
  5. TOKYO

    Goldoson Android Malware Found in 60 Apps with 100M Downloads

    Goldson malware can gather information from applications introduced on the gadget, as well as from Bluetooth-and Wi-Fi-associated gadgets. McAfee's Versatile Exploration Group analysts found no less than 60 malevolent applications on Google Play Store contaminated with Android malware Goldoson...
  6. TOKYO

    LockBit 3.0 Posts Dubious Claims of Breaching Darktrace

    LockBit 3.0, an infamous ransomware posse known for its prominent and some time making up assaults, has professed to have effectively hacked, conspicuous Cambridge, Joined Realm based Darktrace online protection organization. The group reported the break on its dull web-based interface, where...
  7. TOKYO

    Legion: Credential Harvesting & SMS Hijacking Malware Sold on Telegram

    The new Python-based Army malware is being connected to a possible Indonesian engineer. Cloud criminology and episode reaction stage startup, Cado Security Ltd., has uncovered subtleties of another qualification reaper and hacking apparatus called "Army." As indicated by analysts, Army is being...
  8. TOKYO

    OpenAI Launches ChatGPT Bug Bounty Program – Earn $200 to $20k

    Do you have the right stuff to participate in OpenAI's ChatGPT Bug Abundance Program? Assuming this is the case, here is your opportunity to procure gobs of cash. OpenAI has cooperated with Bugcrowd, a famous publicly supported online protection stage, to send off the profoundly expected...
  9. TOKYO

    US, India and China Most Targeted in DDoS Attacks,

    StormWall projects a 170% expansion in DDoS Assaults toward the finish of and urges organizations to carry out moderation systems. Driving network safety supplier, StormWall, has delivered a far reaching report on the territory of Dispersed Disavowal of Administration assaults (DDoS assaults)...
  10. TOKYO

    Are Smart Home Devices Invading Your Privacy?

    Savvy home gadgets are turning out to be an ever increasing number of famous as of late, encouraging comfort and mechanization to upgrade our regular routines. Nonetheless, as a greater amount of these gadgets become interconnected, and as they gather and send more information, concerns are...
  11. TOKYO

    (ALPHV) Gang Claims Ransomware Attack on NCR Data Center

    ransomware at first asserted liability regarding the ransomware assault on its dim web blog yet later eliminated its post, showing dealings between the two gatherings. Driving US programming and installment stage supplier NCR has affirmed that it has succumbed to a ransomware assault. NCR...
  12. TOKYO

    Franco-Israeli Gang Linked to $40 Million CEO Scam Busted

    Europol has destroyed a group connected to a $40 million President trick. Figure out more about how this worldwide lawbreaker organization was revealed and who was involved. The email trick pack behind France's biggest ever Chief trick has been destroyed after an organized police activity...
  13. TOKYO

    New Samsung Message Guard protects users against Zero-Click attacks

    Samsung Message Gatekeeper will review the record step by step and cycle it in a controlled climate, subsequently killing the danger to guarantee the malignant document doesn't contaminate the gadget. Zero-Snap assaults have become exceptionally strong and boundless, mostly because of their...
  14. TOKYO

    How to Remove Duplicate Lines in EmEditor

    EmEditor is a savvy content manager programming for Windows that upholds an extensive variety of record designs, including plain text documents, programming dialects, Unicode, and enormous records. EmEditor is created by Emurasoft, Inc. The mind behind making EmEditor is Emurasoft's leader...
  15. TOKYO

    Employees at Gaming Giant Activision Hit by SMS Phishing Attack

    Activision recognized the break solely after analysts talked about it on Twitter, uncovering that programmers had figured out how to take the gaming goliath's delicate reports. Specialists have unveiled subtleties of an information break because of SMS phishing assault focusing on the world's...
  16. TOKYO

    Android voice chat app with 5m installs leaked user chats

    OyeTalk was spilling decoded information through unprotected admittance to Firebase, Google's portable application improvement stage that gives cloud-facilitated data set administrations. A well known Android voice talk application, OyeTalk, has released private client information, including...
  17. TOKYO

    Piping Crunch with Aircrack-ng

    n this new hacking tutorial we will be Piping Crunch with Aircrack-ng so we can get rid of the constantly increasing dictionary files used to retrieve WiFi passwords from cap files. When we pipe the output from Crunch with Aircrack-ng the data will be fed directly into Aircrack-ng instead of a...
  18. TOKYO

    Hacking Autorun.inf virus attack| Is autorun.inf virus

    When i studied second year(cse), my friends told that autorun.inf is virus. I thought so. Because my antivirus blocks autorun.inf files. In third year when i search about autorun.inf file in net, i realize about the auto run file. Today i bring some files from my college system. When i insert...
  19. TOKYO

    Chinese PlugX malware lurks in your USB devices

    Unit42 Palo Alto Network has discovered a new version of PlugX, which is able to infect and spread via USB devices, replacing ANDROMEDA and Raspberry Robin. Malicious files are hidden using a new technique that works even in the latest Windows OS. The user will not know that their USB device is...
  20. TOKYO

    Top Cool Hacking and Penetration Testing Operating System

    Bugtraq: Bugtraq is famous for its electronic mailing list that is purely dedicated to computer security. It is available in Debian, Ubuntu, and OpenSUSE. The Bugtraq developer team consists of experienced hackers and developers that offer a great service for ethical pen testers. It comes with a...