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  1. TOKYO

    Exploiting Windows Server 2003

    Eternalromance is another SMBv1 exploit from the leaked NSA exploit collection and targets Windows XP/Vista/7 and Windows Server 2003 and 2008. In the last hacking tutorial we have demonstrated how an unauthenticated attacks can exploit a Windows 7 target that is vulnerable to Eternalblue using...
  2. TOKYO

    How to Hack Web Browsers [2]

    Forwarding Ports In this tutorial we will be using BeEF inside of our home network using localhost if you intend for users outside the network to connect back to BeEF you will need to open ports within your routers configuration. Hooking a Browser The BeEF hook is a...
  3. TOKYO

    How to Hack Web Browsers [1]

    What is BeEF? BeEF is short for The Browser Exploitation Framework. It is a penetration testing tool that focuses on the web browser. Amid growing concerns about web-borne attacks against clients, including mobile clients, BeEF allows the professional penetration tester to assess the actual...
  4. TOKYO

    BAMF (Backdoor Access Machine Farmer)

    AMF is an open-source tool designed to leverage Shodan (a search engine for the Internet of Things) to discover vulnerable routers, then utilize detected backdoors/vulnerabilities to remotely access the router administration panel and modify the DNS server settings. Changing the primary DNS...
  5. TOKYO

    Recognize the name of the hidden Wi Fi network

    The owners of some wireless access points configure them so that they do not broadcast their name (ESSID). This is considered, in their opinion, additional protection (along with the password) TD. Simply put, a hidden Wi-Fi network (hidden) is a network that is not visible in the list of...
  6. TOKYO

    Wapiti Penetration Testing Tool.

    Wapiti is another famous penetration testing tool. It allows auditing the security of the web applications. It supports both GET and POST HTTP methods for the vulnerability check. Features: Generates vulnerability reports in various formats It can suspend and resume a scan or an attack Fast...
  7. TOKYO

    Intercepting Files in Wireshark

    Go to Wireshark and open the file with previously intercepted FTP traffic. Next, go to the TCP stream. Right click on the first package. Follow-> TCP Stream, that is, to put together the entire session: We get this: Here we will see a window that reflects all FTP commands and...
  8. TOKYO

    lobRunner - Quickly Debug Shellcode Extracted During Malware Analysis

    BlobRunner is a simple tool to quickly debug shellcode extracted during malware analysis. BlobRunner allocates memory for the target file and jumps to the base (or offset) of the allocated memory. This allows an analyst to quickly debug into extracted artifacts with minimal overhead and effort...
  9. TOKYO

    Password Reset in Linux

    To interrupt the GRUB boot (first step) while starting the computer, press and hold the SHIFT key - it always works, even on Linux Mint, where the GRUB menu is turned off by default. Stop the download by holding down the SHIFT key while starting the computer, you will see: Press the " e "...
  10. TOKYO

    Slowloris Layer 7 DDOS Attack

    Slow Loris is Layer 7 Application (Protocol Attack) it was developed by Robert “RSnake” Hansen don’t be fooled by its power even a single computer could have the ability to take down a full web server single handedly Slowloris is a simple and powerful /DDOS attack it is also known as a...
  11. TOKYO

    AutoRDPwn v4.5 - The Shadow Attack Framework

    AutoRDPwn is a script created in Powershell and designed to automate the Shadow attack on Microsoft Windows computers. This vulnerability allows a remote attacker to view his victim's desktop without his consent, and even control it on request. For its correct operation, it is necessary to...
  12. TOKYO

    BabySploit - BabySplot Beginner Pentesting Framework

    Tested on Kali Linux. Should work with all Debian based distros (and other ones if you have the right packages installed) BabySploit is a penetration testing framework aimed at making it easy to learn how to use bigger, more complicated frameworks like Metasploit. With a very easy to use UI and...
  13. TOKYO

    Non-profit Better Markets Says Bitcoin ETFs Approval Will “Harm Investors, Markets, and Financial Stability”

    Better Markets, a non-profit organization that advocates for financial reform and more stringent financial regulations, has come out in stout opposition to the newly-approved spot Bitcoin ETFs. In a statement published on the Better Markets website on Wednesday, the organization’s CEO Dennis...
  14. TOKYO

    High-profile Government Websites Hacked for Dark web Cryptocurrency.

    News: Over four thousand high profile government websites have been compromised by dark web hackers on Sunday across the globe, mining virtual currency secretly, and particularly Monero. Monero has become one of the popular cryptocurrency recently especially on the ‘dark web’– a section of the...
  15. TOKYO

    Tormoil Vulnerability Leaks Real Ip Address From Tor Browser Users

    The Tor Project has released a security update for the Tor Browser on Mac and Linux to fix a vulnerability that leaks users' real IP addresses. The vulnerability was spotted by Filippo Cavallarin, CEO of We Are Segment, an Italian company specialized in cyber-security and ethical hacking...
  16. TOKYO

    Free & Easy 6 Virus or RAT Spreading Methods

    --------------------------------------------------------- YouTube Video's --------------------------------------------------------- A very easy and effective way of spreading your rat is with YouTube video's. For this spreading technique you need: -Multiple YouTube accounts -Download Host...
  17. TOKYO

    Hacker Arrested for Selling Stolen Data on the Darknet

    A press release from the Bavarian Central Office of Cybercrime revealed that an extensive investigation led to the arrest of a talented 24-year-old hacker who sold hundreds of thousands of stolen usernames, passwords, and credit card numbers on the darknet. Authorities found and arrested the man...
  18. TOKYO

    Multi-factor authentication

    How many factors do we need? During the last few months, we have noticed that there is a lot of confusion about the topic of two- and multi-factor authentication. Often when online banking apps or extra security layers are added to online accounts, there is a false claim of multi-factor...
  19. TOKYO

    Some Fresh Hacked SMTP And Webmail |

    EMAIL: [email protected], HOST:, PORT: 587, USER: [email protected], PASS: Schnuppe EMAIL: [email protected], HOST:, PORT: 587, USER: [email protected], PASS: kindergarten EMAIL: [email protected], HOST:, PORT: 587, USER: [email protected]...
  20. TOKYO

    Dark Crystal Rat Cracked

    Installation is straightforward. Add install.php on a server and run it; save the generated URL and your password. Run 123.bat and supply it with the generated URL and your password. If your antivirus claims that it's a virus, it's because it is. (duh) Disable your antivirus(es) before running...