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  1. Mr.Tom

    Stripe CC Checker

    Check your cc here. Stripe Checkout
  2. Mr.Tom


    So before you start cracking these accounts , you will need the following. 1. RDP (A virtual machine to allow anonymity while cracking and also to ensure you are safe from any malware that is present in the cracker / checker) 2. Proxies (Paid once is more preferred , but if you really cannot...
  3. Mr.Tom


  4. Mr.Tom

    Skrill Carding 2024 Working Method and Cashout Tricks

    Skrill Carding is the method of Cashing out CC without trace This trick is 100% working in 2019, just follow all the instructions and you are good. For Skrill Carding, you will need some set of tools to start off. See what’s needed below and how to card. What do I Need to Card Skrill...
  5. Mr.Tom

    20 Express Vpn Big Fresh Valid

    20 Express VPN Big Fresh Valid [email protected]: Yuok139900! [email protected]: Himmelskibet1 [email protected]: Rainbow8 # [email protected]: 4Tnthecw! [email protected]: Dabarb78 [email protected]: gaboy5988 [email protected]: Ocarm0716...
  6. Mr.Tom

    Advance And Undetectable Facebook & Instagram Hacking Course (Dedsec)

    This course is originally uploaded by DedSec and It explains 5 different techniques through which you can hack Facebook and Instagram Account ??… It Includes:- –Advance Phishing Pages –Hacking Facebook On Local Networks –Facebook Latest Bruteforce –Hacking Instagram Using Fake Page –Hacking...
  7. Mr.Tom


    This should be quick and easy. This method requires Paypal Step 1) Your PP's balance must have at least the amount of the nitro that you wish to get Step 2) Create another dummy Discord account Step 3) Using this dummy account and buy the nitro you want as a "GIFT" Step 4) Copy the gift link...
  8. Mr.Tom


    Flying from LA to NYC but the ticket price is horrible? Let us help you. Any flights across US/Canada with only 30% of the retail price. The minimal payment is only 100$. After we will receive your request, we'll send you back an individual listing with final price. Order form: (PLEASE check...
  9. Mr.Tom


    Pick your bins carefully cause you can't check 100s a time. Create a account at with fake email and credentials check for 5-15 mins the website and place an item in your cart(I used a japanese movie for $14) Place order, create fake info and Fill in the requiredments Choose pay...
  10. Mr.Tom

    Kali Linux VS BlackArch

    I will begin, perhaps, with the most important thing. The level of penetration tester depends on his knowledge and ability to own specialized tools. And in what environment these tools are launched - it does not matter at all. For example, if you check a site for SQL injections, then your...
  11. Mr.Tom

    Socks brazil|Brazil|SOCK5|15m 4s atrás|412ms|OK|Brazil|SOCK5|22m 37s atrás|575ms|OK|Brazil|SOCK5|33m 18s atrás|263ms|OK|Brazil|SOCK5|41m 15s atrás|58ms|OK|Brazil|SOCK5|62m 22s atrás|1000ms|OK...
  12. Mr.Tom

    What is DAI, and how does it work?

    Even though cryptocurrency has progressed significantly since its inception, a few crucial problems are blocking its adoption as a real-world currency. One problem being: price fluctuations of a single coin can drastically change in a day, let alone an hour. Could you imagine having USD or CAD...
  13. Mr.Tom


    BECOME A PRO CARDER FROM NOOB TO PRO TRY THESE MTHODS. -Dell : -Nike : -Walmart -Apple : -Flight club -Bestbuy : -Target : -Macys : -Finish Line : -Barneys New York : -Adidas : -Sears : -Neiman Marcus : -Saks Fifth Avenue: -Bergoff Goodman : -Canadian Goose Method : -Cc to btc method...
  14. Mr.Tom

    Wireless Testing

    Wireless testing is the process of evaluating the performance, security, and compliance of wireless devices and networks. It is used to ensure that wireless devices meet regulatory requirements, function as intended, and are not vulnerable to attack. Step 1: Select option 3 in the main menu of...
  15. Mr.Tom

    Force Processing Brute Force

    It ends by obtaining the sub-domain name if it meets any Wildcard DNS, which is a non-existing domain. Therefore, it uses the –wildcard option to allow parameters to continue the attack even if there is any Wildcard Domain. gobuster dir -u -w...
  16. Mr.Tom

    What is Darkarmy – Penetration Testing Tool

    Darkarmy is an open-source tool written in Python language. It is all a Penetration Testing Tool with different categories for pen testing. It is easier and user-friendly to use for penetration testing as the user doesn’t have to search for tools online and install them manually. Darkarmy...
  17. Mr.Tom

    Creating a 100% FUD crypter

    What is a Crypter? Okay before we get into the good stuff, lets first clear up all your questions you have been having by really getting into all the fundamentals of Crypters. Oh and if you have any questions of anything throughout this tutorial, always refer and search on Hackforums for...
  18. Mr.Tom

    WU 100% working TUT

    Western union 100% working tut, carding western union pays only if you know the path. kills one or two card before success, but you will get there as long as you follow every bit of the trail....... Steps Buy old western union accounts, different shop sells old western union account, you can...
  19. Mr.Tom

    "Drops" and what you need to know about them

    Drops and what you need to know about them What drop locations are and what they’re used for Well simply a drop location is an abandoned house, or any house that is not under your name or any of your details. You can lead young children into these to make a ***y time with them, get items...
  20. Mr.Tom

    How to make Track1 from Track2

    How to make Track1 from Track2 Short tut, on how to make track one with track 2. Take example of last dump Track2 (this is a dump): Example dump info: 4888603170607238=15051011203191805191 PATACSIL/DAVID Bank of America, N.A. (USA) CREDIT PLATINUM United States of America...