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carders forum 2021

  1. TOKYO

    Fresh Dumps 100% work

    449435 4494355174659998=21082010533000601500 9998 201 2108 CHECK? 379264 379264008671005=240120119014952700000 1005 201 2401 CHECK? 463158 4631588262833992=210320150761943964 3992 201 2103 CHECK? 552433 5524338394783732=20042019020084900100 3732 201 2004 CHECK? 514759...
  2. TOKYO

    Breaking VISA PIN by verified carders

    Have you ever wonder what would happen if you loose your credit or debit card and someone finds it. Would this person be able to withdraw cash from an ATM guessing, somehow, your PIN? Moreover, if you were who finds someone's card would you try to guess the PIN and take the chance to get some...
  3. TOKYO

    Hacking dRuby RMI Server 1.8

    Hacking dRuby RMI Server 1.8 with Metasploit We will start the dRuby hacking tutorial with scanning port 8787 with Nmap and then we will be performing a vulnerability assessment. Than we will be hacking dRuby RMI server using Metasploit by exploiting the found vulnerabilities. We will conclude...
  4. TOKYO

    Pixie Dust Attack WPS in Kali Linux with Reaver

    Pixie Dust Attack WPS with Reaver In this tutorial we are going to do a pixie dust attack using Reaver 1.5.2, Aircrack-NG and Pixiewps. Pixie Dust attack is an offline attack which exploits a WPS vulnerability. The tool, Pixiewps, is written in C and works with a modified version of Reaver. When...
  5. TOKYO

    How to hack a TP link WR841N router wireless network

    In this tutorial we will show you how to hack a TP link WR841N router wireless network with the default wifi password using Kali Linux. TP Link routers use the default WPS PIN as wifi password out of the box Which consists of 8 characters. We will try the following techniques to hack a TP link...
  6. TOKYO

    Hacking Unreal IRCd on Metasploitable 2

    In this tutorial we will be hacking Unreal IRCd service on Metasploitable 2. We will learn how to perform enumeration on network services and how to define and retrieve crucial information. Then we will be looking at how to perform code analysis and modify payloads using msfvenom before we...
  7. TOKYO

    Playstore Carding Method With Non - Avs Bin

    As usual clear your Cookies in browser via CCleaner. [According to the BIN, we have mentioned the IP below] Then go to any app that is paid and below like 2$ or less , go to payment info. Get your live CC Bin recommended 517805,372739 ,417409 or amex gold ,capital one bank (only USA cc ) If you...
  8. TOKYO

    Make Alot Of Money With Public Cc

    What you would need: A computer A bank account to receive the money VPN, clean proxy or RPD A customized website to use the card Now to do it: General info: Always use VPN and always clear cookies before doing anything Step 1: Create an account at stripe and verify it. Make sure to use fake...
  9. TOKYO

    Secret Trick To Improve Your Dorks (increase Targeted Urls)

    Simple Trick To Improve Dorks When making your dorks, add a "*" in front or behind the keywords. Search engines treat the asterisk (*) as a placeholder for words. For example, "spotify*" will get you results for keywords such as "spotify premium" and "spotify family". However, "spotify"...
  10. TOKYO

    Tutorial To Card Products From Without CC

    1. First You Need To hack Wish Accounts 2. Then go to and login (Clear Cookies & Connect IP To Owner Location) 3. then choose the item that you want from shop and click buy 4. then click on view cart and see place order and i click on it 5. It moves to processing and then bomb email...
  11. TOKYO

    How to Hack Wi-Fi (WEP) – II

    For this tutorial you need external WiFi adapter or have Kali installed in your Hard Drive, not a virtual machine. Otherwise, look for the method using normal windows OS in the intermediate section Start up Kali, Login and then follow the below steps Step 1: Open console and type the following...
  12. TOKYO


    Crunchyroll Premium Accounts [email protected]:Dr3amland [email protected]:Sammie5301 [email protected]:452347gc [email protected]:Gresskar21 [email protected]:gamersx45 [email protected]:mariokart [email protected]:tokitoki123 [email protected]:eek:verlord0915...
  13. TOKYO

    🔰IPVanish Accounts From CRDCREW.CC

  14. TOKYO

    3 High Balance Visa Spain

    4603321038982974 12/22 301 NATALIA RIGUEI Av. Lluis Companys i Jover, 23 1º1ª sant cugat del valles Barcelona 08172 SPAIN 4603321048579398 09/22 872 MichelleVelMichelleVel Ottosifflingstr12 Jaén Jaén 23004 SPAIN 4603321043201014 09/24 760 Negru Igualada Prat de llobregat Barcelona 08820 SPAIN
  15. TOKYO

    WiFi-Pumpkin From

    iFi-Pumpkin is a very complete framework for auditing Wi-Fi security. The main feature is the ability to create a fake AP and make Man In The Middle attack, but the list of features is quite broad. DOWNLOAD WIFI-PUMPKIN Installation Python 2.7 Code: git clone...
  16. TOKYO

    V3n0M-Scanner From

    V3n0M is a free and open source scanner. Evolved from baltazar’s scanner, it has adapted several new features that improve fuctionality and usability. It is mostlyexperimental software. This program is for finding and executing various vulnerabilities. It scavenges the web using dorks and...
  17. TOKYO

    DarkComet RAT From

    DarkComet RAT - in common "Comet" was created in 2008, in 2012 the project was closed, because The author considered that his tool was used not for good purposes, but for the purposes of hacking and hacking. Fearing responsibility, the author stopped developing DarkComet RAT and the project was...
  18. TOKYO

    Web Attack Vector By

    This attack vector provides us with more interesting, sophisticated and diverse ways of attacking users than the first. Speaking about the way through the web, you can select a common feature (with the only exception) that goes through attacks of this type - using a fake web page on an...
  19. TOKYO

    A Novice's Guide To Hacking

    This file is an addendum to "A Novice's Guide To Hacking" written by "The Mentor". The word "hacking" is here used the way the non-hacking public thinks it is used, to mean breaking into somebody else's computer. Its purpose is to expand and clarify the information about the TOPS-20 operating...
  20. TOKYO

    A List Of Government BBS Numbers

    FEDERAL GOVERNMENT BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEMS (Last Updated: 8/23/94) OPM BBSs: ~~~~~~~~ MAINSTREET............. (202) 606-4800 Fed Pers & Job Info from OPM's Agencywide BBS Federal Jobline......... (818) 575-6521 Fed Pers & Job Info from OPM's Western Region BBS Fed Job Opp Board (FJOB) (912)...