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  1. Mr.Tom

    How to get the verified badge on any instagram account!

    Step 1. Make your account look professional, non spammy, quality looking and not something a 10 year old put together. Your last 6 posts especially should be all good ones. No reposts, no selling or promoting Clay Davis, NO non original content. If you use it to promote eCommerce put that on...
  2. Mr.Tom


    Hey, this is a great method that you can use to get giftcârds for free, it also works for games and anything. I bought it one week ago for 290$ and this is still working. It's the best method to make money because it's repeatable! I personally tested it a few minutes ago with 3x $200 Amazon...
  3. TOKYO

    Method To Access Any Cracked AMAZON ACCOUNT !!!

    I will be teaching you how to access any cracked amazon account and keep it alive. First off you will need a cracked amazon accounts. only way to crack them is through mail access checkers such as woxy after that is done, log into mail using thunderbird mail client by mozilla dl link...
  4. TOKYO

    USB Stealer - Steal password, login details using pendrive or any USB drive

    There’s a lot of people in the world and even more online accounts. Every security system has a flaw and what we’re going to discuss here is just that. Most people, with their eyes on the clock and not a second to spare just tick “Remember Me” on various websites without a second thought...
  5. TOKYO


    HACK ANY PHONE PATTERN LOCK 100%WORKING METHOD Hacklock is a bash based script which is officially termux from this tool in just one click you can generate pattern phishing tool which can hack victim pattern and. This tool works on both rooted Android device and Non-rooted Android device...
  6. TOKYO

    PHP INBOX MASS MAILER with attach any file

  7. TOKYO

    OTP Bypass Verification method On Any Website/App in 2023

    How To Bypass O.T.P Verification On Any Website/App What is an OTP? What is the need for OTP Bypass? OTP or One Time Password is a code that a Website or App sends to a user to verify his contact details. Most of Apps and websites ask to register an account before using their services and...
  8. TOKYO

    Method Bypass Any country Number OTP using a VPN

    Method 2: Bypass Any country Number OTP using a VPN In this method, you will need a VPN (Virtual Private Network). You can download any VPN on your device, according to your choice. If you don’t know any trustworthy VPN, then you can use Tunnel Bear or Hotspot Shield. Firstly, Download and...
  9. S

    Extract Any Mail Pro

    Download Link : VirusTotal: Unzip Password is 1
  10. B

    Brutality - A Fuzzer For Any GET Entries

    A fuzzer for any GET entries. Features Multi-threading on demand Fuzzing, bruteforcing GET params Find admin panels Colored output Hide results by return code, word numbers Proxy support Big wordlist Colored Usages Install Download Brutality
  11. Mr.Tom

    How to Download Youtube videos or any online videos using VLC

    First get the URL of the YouTube video page. Now click on —->Media —->Open Network stream. Paste the URL and click Play. Once VLC starts streaming the video, click ->Tools Codec Information and at the bottom of the window you will see a Location box. Copy the URL and paste it on your...
  12. Mr.Tom

    USB Stealer - Steal password, login details using pendrive or any USB drive

    There’s a lot of people in the world and even more online accounts. Every security system has a flaw and what we’re going to discuss here is just that. Most people, with their eyes on the clock and not a second to spare just tick “Remember Me” on various websites without a second thought...
  13. Mr.Tom


    Tutorial on how to crack accounts such as Netflix, Spotify, and many more!! Things You Need -Sentry MBA -Config File -Combo File -Fresh Proxies Directions 1.) Download Sentry MBA, A Combo file, A Config File, and Proxy scrapper (Links at the bottom of the thread) and open up Sentry MBA. 2.)...
  14. Mr.Tom

    Rotate the images of any Wesbsites Using JavaScript |Computer Hacking Tricks

    Hi friends , this post is just for fun. here i give you the funny JavaScript that will rotate the image of any website. The JavaScript code: javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.getElementsByTagName(“img”); DIL=DI.length...
  15. Mr.Tom

    How to Write files to CD/DVD without any Software?

    Windows xp itself provide you this feature to write files to cd. Step 1: Insert your empty CD in CD drive. Step 2: Copy the file that you want to write to CD. Step 3: Open My Computer. Open the CD directory. Step 4: Paste the file inside the CD Step 5: On the Left panel , you can see...
  16. B

    can any body help me on check fraud

    i just recently got this check i have the persons id and the actual check in hand but dont really know how to go about cashing the check