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How to safely browse
deep web? : Security Tips
You must have heard of dark web or deep web and as you
know its a scary place and its full of skilled cyber
criminals. So it becomes necessary to secure yourself
while visiting this wild part of internet. Today I am going
to tell you about some precautions that you should must
use while surfing dark web.
Secure Your Browser
Securing your browser must be your top priority as hackers
can exploit it to gain access to your machine. So lets talk
about some ways by which you can make your browser
more hardened.
1. If a website doesn’t use HTTPS, don’t use it.
2. Disable JavaScript using NoScript plugin
3. Disable all the plug ins as they can be used to track/
exploit your system
4. Don’t use search Engines like Google which track you.
Instead, go for DuckDuckGo which doesn’t keep the
records or inject tracking cookies into your browser
5. If you download something from the dark web its ok
but consider opening it in a sandbox or a virtual
6. Don’t use torrent because torrent uses a peer to peer
connection instead of using TOR network.
7. Don’t maximize TOR browser’s windows as it can be
used to determine screen size of your device.
Secure your browser even more
Enter about:config in your browser tab and press enter.
Then make the following changes:
javascript.enabled false
network.http.sendRefererHeader 0
network.http.sendSecureXSiteReferrer false
network.cookie.cookieBehavior 2
browser.cache.memory.enable false
Secure Your Operating System
If your operating systems is easy to hack then it could be a
problem…a really really bad problem.
1. Don’t use windows because windows is really very
easy to exploit, prefer Linux .
2. Its good to use tor in a virtual machine so you can
minimize the damage in case you get infected by
some malware.
3. Use a firewall .
4. Keep your system up to date.
Secure Your Identity
And the most important thing is to hide your identity.
1. If you have to sign up for something, use a
disposable email service such as throwawaymail
2. Choose usernames and passwords carefully. They
should not have any kind of link to your real identity.
3. Send messages in chat rooms only when its
necessary and do not reveal any kind of information.
4. You will eventually find scam sites and phishing sites,
so use your mind and stay away from them.
5. Don’t do something which might grab attentions of
legal authorities like watching child porn. Do not
watch child porn at all, even for the sake of curiosty.
Stay away from it.
6. If you have to upload an image somewhere, wipe its
exif data first. And don’t upload any photos which
reveal anything about your personal life. Like the color
of your cat.
Still not secure? Here you go!
1. Get a new laptop
2. Get a new USB and install Tails in it. Tails is an Linux
distro dedicated to security and privacy.
3. Now install tor and set TOR browser’s security setting
to high.
4. Follow all the security measures we have discussed
5. Thats all.
That’s all for now. I hope you enjoyed this article.
Keep learning! Stay safe!