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The proposed article describes only some of the pros and cons of a new era, an era that most do not notice, or pretend not to notice. To accept the New World or not to accept - it's up to YOU!

A bit of morality.

Already today, millions of the richest and most entrepreneurial people are making the most of what a country has to offer. When the state is able to offer optimal conditions for living and business, when you feel comfortable and safe under its protectorate, you stay in the country of your choice. If your state becomes too demanding or too curious about your affairs or, even worse, about your personal life, you leave. Economic opportunities, financial confidentiality, taxes, treaties on extradition (extradition of its citizens to another state), social values, conscription, quotation of a passport in other countries, government stability, level of medical care, respect for private property rights,

Your passport and country of residence should not be the cross for which you were born and which you are doomed to carry all your life. No government can be trusted to control your money. It won't take your interests to heart.

A passport can be considered a sheet of paper, paper that is very important and significant, but not endowed with any hidden sacramental meaning. A passport is not an expression of patriotism. Your devotion to the Motherland is in no way connected with this little booklet in a cardboard cover (I love the Motherland, but the state ...).

You probably realize that the lion's share of laws and wars in the name of "national interests" run counter to the interests of the majority of the population. Conscription, regulations governing marriage, morality and sex, financial and investment restrictions - all this is bureaucratic fuss. The state, represented by its least pleasant part - the bureaucracy, dictates you to go against your own interests, hiding behind "noble goals"! At the same time, this bureaucracy does not comply with most of the laws they have issued themselves.

As a way out of this situation - a special way of life and legal status of a specific person, whose name can be formulated as a Citizen of the World.

Unlimited, tax-free wealth, and hence power, the ability to dispose of one's own funds without hindrance, is the main advantage of being a Citizen of the World. A Citizen of the World can work and make a full profit without taxation and without various deductions. Until you become one, the range of opportunities that you are denied are much wider than those that you actually have now.

To implement the concept of a Citizen of the World, you need to put your papers and documents in order in such a way that all governments, all the bureaucracy of all countries of the world would consider you just a tourist passing by in their country. And what to take from a tourist? He is not subject to taxes or lawsuits. The Citizen of the World divides his life according to five aspects. Let's call them flags.

Flag 1. Passport and citizenship
They must be from a country that is not interested in its citizens living and working outside its borders. The passport must be available to foreigners. Dual or multiple citizenship is one of the cornerstones of your security. You should strive to obtain multiple passports and residence permits regardless of your original citizenship. A second passport always comes in handy, it often saved lives during wars, persecutions and political upheavals.

Flag 2. Business base
These are the places where you make money. They must not coincide with your official place of residence, that is, with your personal financial or legal address. These should be places where rent is minimal, interest-free loans are given, or tax deferral is provided for your area of business without undue control. Good networking opportunities, labor market or materials are also important. London, Tokyo and New York, for example, are best suited for finance and insurance. Conditions are also good in Zurich, Milan, Singapore and Frankfurt.

Flag 3. Place of residence and legal address
It should be mainly a tax haven with good communication systems. A place where wealthy, enterprising people can create, live, relax, prosper and enjoy; preferably with the confidentiality of bank deposits and no threat of war or revolution. Equally recommended are Monaco, Channel Islands, Andorra, Bermuda and Bahamas.

Flag 4. Funds management
These should be places from where assets, securities, commercial affairs can be managed by power of attorney. Requirements are the presence of highly qualified financial managers, confidentiality of bank deposits and the absence of taxation of persons who do not reside in the country or are not citizens. One of the best places to fly a fourth flag is Liechtenstein. Austria, Luxembourg, Switzerland, New York and London will do.

Flag 5. "Playgrounds"
These are the places where you yourself actually spend your time. The main criterion here is the quality of life. Usually, due to legal restrictions on the length of stay of an individual, two to four "playgrounds" are required until they are included in the tax-charged resident category, although other conditions can be achieved if you want to spend all your time in one place. However, in most cases you should not spend more than 90 days a year in a particular country.


Deputy mandate.
There are exceptions to every rule. Today's wealthy citizens of Russia have a number of advantages that make it possible to neglect some "flags". It all depends on the type of your activity, which allows you to protect yourself from the negative impact of the state.
The most common type of such influence is the possibility of bringing to various kinds of responsibility (administrative, criminal). The legislation of the Russian Federation assigns special administrative and legal statuses to certain categories of citizens (judges, prosecutors, deputies, some officials). These statuses are actually inviolability, which is almost impossible to remove.
Of the above positions, the most accessible are the elective positions of deputies at various levels (federal, regional). Moreover, you can get such a position in any upcoming elections by paying a certain amount to the party dominating in your region (if from a party), or to political strategists (if a single-mandate). Naturally, there is the possibility of losing, which, with the appropriate approach and investment, is reduced to zero.

Diplomatic passport.
If the deputy mandate protects you inside the country, then it will not save you outside of it. Always, in any state, no matter how respectable a citizen you are, there is a possibility of getting into a situation from which, without significant losses, you cannot get out. For such cases, there is diplomatic immunity.
In accordance with the provisions of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, adopted in 1961 by the United Nations (paragraphs 29 to 36), diplomatic representatives “shall not be subject to arrest or detention in any form in the territory of another state”. At the same time, it is emphasized that the host country is obliged to show them the necessary respect and prevent any encroachments on their life, freedom and dignity. In practice, the provisions of the Vienna Convention are respected everywhere and unconditionally, moreover, in most countries it has become traditional to emphasize respectful attitude of representatives of the authorities and public order bodies to the employees of foreign diplomatic missions, to their interests and needs.
The ideal solution would be to combine the parliamentary mandate + diplomatic immunity of another state in which you will never appear. In this case, there is a double protection: if you are still deprived of parliamentary immunity, you will have a diplomatic one, with which you can freely leave the state pursuing you.

There are many pitfalls that are individual for each situation, therefore, when choosing any of the listed methods, it is necessary to rely on the legislative framework in order not to ultimately fall victim to your own actions.

The decision to acquire a new passport or immunity should be viewed from a purely economic standpoint or as a matter of your survival in this world. For show-off, it is categorically not suitable. Sometimes it is even unsafe to disclose the very fact of possessing these privileges. And for show-off, the citizenship of the moon is more suitable.