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virtual carding

  1. Mr.Tom

    virtual Carding XBOX / PSN / Steam wallet and more

    now step 1 : look for potential buyer ask them what payment method they can do ? if they say paypal btc or any . tell them hmm i don't have those payment method ,can you buy me something online for 5$ ? if they agree. tell then you need him to buy you something in offgamers so ask them from what...
  2. Mr.Tom

    Instructions for virtual carding when cards do not have AVS

    Instructions for virtual carding when cards do not have AVS AVS stands for the address verification system. This system is often used when stores want to double-check whether you are a real cardholder or not. If you are new, I will advise you to buy credit card information that does not have...
  3. x_mode

    Help with virtual carding

    Hello everyone! Now I am studying more detail about virtual carding. So I have a few questions... - How to understand which sites can work on? * What do need to find out and where to find it? ( verifications, countries, payments, age, CC types etc...). * How to understand that the site is not...