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best carders forum 2021

  1. TOKYO

    Capturing Signatures for ID's 2021

    Capturing Signatures for ID's Photo-laminated Ids are done with a specialty Polaroid camera. As this is an older technology, these cameras turn up quite often on Ebay. The means by which these cameras capture your signature is as follows:You sign a piece a paper, and that paper gets put into a...
  2. TOKYO

    Get ccs and bank information for others

    This is a light guide for the beginners who have no idea of where to start. What is spamming? Spamming/Phishing is when you send out a lot of mail/sms to a targeted group of people in hope of getting sensitive information from them. Example is bank logins, Credit card information, Game...
  3. TOKYO

    Playstore Carding Method With Non - Avs Bin

    As usual clear your Cookies in browser via CCleaner. [According to the BIN, we have mentioned the IP below] Then go to any app that is paid and below like 2$ or less , go to payment info. Get your live CC Bin recommended 517805,372739 ,417409 or amex gold ,capital one bank (only USA cc ) If you...
  4. TOKYO

    How To Improve The Success Rate Of Carding

    1. Computer environment 2. ip 3. CVV 4. Website Mechanism 1. Computer environment When you are ready to shop online, your browser language, time, ip, hardware information and other information need to be modified according to the region of the purchased CVV, or you can directly use the Sphere ...
  5. TOKYO

    Secret Trick To Improve Your Dorks (increase Targeted Urls)

    Simple Trick To Improve Dorks When making your dorks, add a "*" in front or behind the keywords. Search engines treat the asterisk (*) as a placeholder for words. For example, "spotify*" will get you results for keywords such as "spotify premium" and "spotify family". However, "spotify"...
  6. TOKYO

    Fresh Skrill Hacking Tutorial From

    Tools needed 1] Master Card (You can buy from any cc shop) 2] A unique Bin (544856) 3] RDP or 911 VPN 4] CC Cleaner Premium 5] Fresh Email Address 6] Skrill Website Steps:- 1] You will need a unique live cc which you can get from feshop or me directly. 2] Use cc cleaner and clean your computer...
  7. TOKYO


    + Username : ++-----[ Account Info ]-----++ ? Name : ? DOB : 03/21/1998 ? Address : ? Zip Code : ? County : ? Phone : ? SSN (US/CA) : ? Security Question : ? Security Answer : ++-----[ Mr white ]-----++ ? Card BIN : ? Card Bank : ? Card Type : ? Cardholder Name : ? Card Number : 5129 5109 1735...
  8. TOKYO

    Fresh Debit Wold Black

    5335941009812900|914|042023|Marziano Palli|Via Dante Alighieri 34, Castrocaro Terme, Iran|Castrocaro Terme|+393428202845|MasterCard|[email protected]|
  9. TOKYO

    WiFi-Pumpkin From

    iFi-Pumpkin is a very complete framework for auditing Wi-Fi security. The main feature is the ability to create a fake AP and make Man In The Middle attack, but the list of features is quite broad. DOWNLOAD WIFI-PUMPKIN Installation Python 2.7 Code: git clone...
  10. TOKYO

    Web Attack Vector By

    This attack vector provides us with more interesting, sophisticated and diverse ways of attacking users than the first. Speaking about the way through the web, you can select a common feature (with the only exception) that goes through attacks of this type - using a fake web page on an...
  11. TOKYO

    Blackeye Phishing Tool

    Description BLACKEYE is an upgrade from original ShellPhish Tool ( by thelinuxchoice under GNU LICENSE. It is the most complete Phishing Tool, with 32 templates +1 customizable. WARNING: IT ONLY WORKS ON LAN! This tool was made for educational...
  12. TOKYO

    Gaming Plug-In Effected Millions of PCs Vulnerable

    A gaming plugin installed in over 200 million computers contains a critical flaw that enables attackers to steal user data directly from the websites they’re logged into, according to a security researcher. This affects websites which offer web mail as well as social media and networking...
  13. TOKYO

    Cleans PayPal Methods

    Just beware plenty of fake vendor trying to sell you guide that never works and attempt to create fake impression that his/her method is actually working. in fact, after i carefully studied his post.. there are big flaws and never can achieve what the vendor claims usually the first thing you...
  14. TOKYO

    Getting Private CCs using SQL Inject., XSS Iframe inject., and phishing!

    Hey all, this is my very first tutorial, so bear with me and please REP and THANK if you enjoy and/or if it helps ypu. This is my method for getting fresh CC info, sent directly to an inbox of your choosing! First, you need to find yourself a vulnerable shop. Won't go into too many details...
  15. TOKYO

    Komodo "hacked" the wallets of its users to prevent theft

    The developer of the Komodo cryptocurrency wallet “hacked” the wallets of its own clients to prevent an attack that could lead to theft of funds worth about $ 13 million . Two months ago, the Npm library received an update containing a hidden backdoor, which could lead to theft of user funds...
  16. TOKYO

    Silk Road: Corrupt DEA Agent Carl Force Gets 6 Years For Extorting Bitcoins

    Carl Force, the former DEA agent who was part of the Silk Road task force was sentenced for more than 6 years of prison for extorting payments in Bitcoins from Silk Road founder, Ross Ulbricht. According to law enforcement authorities, Carl Force has received around $50.000 in BTC from Ulbricht...
  17. TOKYO

    Why is it Hard for the Western World to Understand Cryptocurrency?

    Image by Hollywood Reporter Too often we view the world only through the filter of our experiences and make investment decisions based purely on this. When I was a teenager I read Benjamin Graham’s clunky classic “The Intelligent Investor” under the watchful eye of my grandfather, and the...
  18. TOKYO

    Encrypted Messaging Project "Matrix" Suffers Extensive Cyber Attack

    Matrix—the organization behind an open source project that offers a protocol for secure and decentralized real-time communication—has suffered a massive cyber attack after unknown attackers gained access to the servers hosting its official website and data. Hackers defaced Matrix's website, and...
  19. TOKYO

    PhoneSploit - Using Open Adb Ports We Can Exploit A Devive

    Using open Adb ports we can exploit a device you can find open ports here”Android+Debug+Bridge” I will soon make a tutorial on how to use PhoneSploit Install Code: extract adb.rar to the phonesploit directory git clone...
  20. TOKYO

    In Ukraine revealed the theft of more than $ 1.1 million from bank accounts

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) revealed a group of hackers suspected of stealing funds from bank accounts. Scammers transferred money to cryptocurrencies or to other accounts. Thus, they managed to steal about 30 million hryvnias (more than $ 1.1 million). This was reported by the SBU...