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  1. Mr.Tom

    What is Guest Blogging? What is the Use?

    Guest blogging is used by bloggers as a way to network with other people within the blogosphere, grow relationships with other blog readers, and increase traffic for their own blogs. There are two primary types of guest blogging: Guest blogging on your own blog: When someone writes a post for...
  2. Mr.Tom

    Guest Blogging in Break The Security

    <i>Now you can do guest blogging in my website also. </i> Guest blogging is posting article in some other blogs or sites and getting back link for your blog. By doing this you can get more traffic to your blog also. <a...
  3. Mr.Tom

    Hack the Windows send To option

    Actually this is not hack at all. This is simple trick for customizing “sent To” option. While right click you can see the “sent To ” option. “Send to” option is for sending the file or folder to specified place. Default send to place are “compresssed”,”Desktop”,”mail recipient”,”My...
  4. Mr.Tom

    How to write your name in heart shape in Orkut

    This is trick to write your name in heart shape. Enter your name in this box. Heart shaped name will be created for you. copy to your orkut profile, scrap.
  5. Mr.Tom

    How to add special symbols in orkut scrap book?

    For adding the special key, Press alt key and type the associated number with symbols in following table(type the number in numper pad) Key Symbol alt + 987 █ alt + 1 ☺ alt + 2 ☻ alt + 3 ♥ alt + 4 ♦ alt + 5 ♣ alt + 6 ♠ alt + 7 • alt + 8 ◘ alt + 9 ○ alt + 0178 ² alt +...
  6. Mr.Tom

    How to Browse Using Calculator Help option?

    This trick will allow you to access internet through Calculator. Calculator can be used as a web browser 1. Open your MS Calculator. This is normally found in Start => All Programs => Accessories => Calculator. 2. Open the help-window by pressing the F1 key. 3. Click the top-left corner icon...
  7. Mr.Tom

    Dating accounts new data

    6 Match Unpaids MatchUnPaid | USA | [email protected] | pamela123 MatchUnPaid | USA | [email protected] | trent306 MatchUnPaid | USA | [email protected] | 123381jap MatchUnPaid | USA | [email protected] | w33k3s55 MatchUnPaid | USA | [email protected] | mygurl13...
  8. Mr.Tom

    spotify accounts

    Email & Password: [email protected]:Mommy143 Subscription: Premium For Family Renew: Country: US ================================================ Email & Password: [email protected]:OlivemauD1 Subscription: Premium For Family Renew: Country: GB...
  9. Mr.Tom


    Always use RDP, SOCKS or VIP72 client or Proxifier on RDP. On Windows: Delete your DNS Cache by typing on CMD : ipconfig /flushdns Release your cache by typing on CMD : ipconfig /release Renew your IPV4 or cache by typing on CMD : ipconfig /renew Method #1: Step 1: First go to...
  10. Mr.Tom

    How to find the IP address and Domain Name using cmd?

    This trick will help you to find the ip of the domain How to Find? Go to Start->run->cmd now type as “nslookup domain_name” It will show the IP address of Domain.
  11. Mr.Tom

    How to Download Youtube videos or any online videos using VLC

    First get the URL of the YouTube video page. Now click on —->Media —->Open Network stream. Paste the URL and click Play. Once VLC starts streaming the video, click ->Tools Codec Information and at the bottom of the window you will see a Location box. Copy the URL and paste it on your...
  12. Mr.Tom

    How to Remove Recycle bin icon from Desktop

    If you like to delete your recycle bin and make your desktop clean,then this trick will help you. Goto Start->Run Type as “regedit” and hit enter. Go to this path ” HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerBitBucket” Right click on the folder and select new Then select...
  13. Mr.Tom

    How to Remove shortcut arrow from desktop icons

    ometimes when you use shortcut’s on desktop for your frequently used files or movies it is ugly to see a small Shortcut arrow at the bottom corner of the Shortcut icon. Here’s how you can remove those shortcut arrows from your desktop icons in Windows XP. 1. Start->Run->regedit 2. Navigate to...
  14. Mr.Tom

    USB Stealer - Steal password, login details using pendrive or any USB drive

    There’s a lot of people in the world and even more online accounts. Every security system has a flaw and what we’re going to discuss here is just that. Most people, with their eyes on the clock and not a second to spare just tick “Remember Me” on various websites without a second thought...
  15. Mr.Tom

    How to Hack Wi-Fi (WEP) – II

    For this tutorial you need external WiFi adapter or have Kali installed in your Hard Drive, not a virtual machine. Otherwise, look for the method using normal windows OS in the intermediate section Start up Kali, Login and then follow the below steps Step 1: Open console and type the following...
  16. Mr.Tom

    How to hack a WordPress website with WPScan

    This tutorial in the category WordPress hacking will teach you how to scan WordPress websites for vulnerabilities, enumerate WordPress user accounts and brute force passwords. Enumerating WordPress users is the first step in a brute force attack in order to gain access to a WordPress account...
  17. Mr.Tom

    Ransomware, How To Spreed It And Make Money With It

    This Is Where To Get The Source Code And The Necessary Tools To Create Your Own Ransomware (EASY s**t Don't Pay) WARNING: Be Very Careful With These And Make Sure You Know What Your Doing Before f**king With Them, Because You Will Infect Yourself If Your Not Careful. Open Them In A Regular...
  18. Mr.Tom

    Worldwide cardable sites

    There are a lot of requests for Worldwide cardable sites with carding method 2022. We are sharing huge collection of websites which can be carded easily without too much security. On internet, there are thousands of shopping sites are available to card but not all of them accept international...
  19. Mr.Tom

    Cardable Sites Method: Bill=Ship / Valid Public CC / No Vpn No Socks / Clear Cookies after no buy 5/6x
  20. Mr.Tom

    How to recover the deleted or corrupted photos in Digital cam?

    Disk internals screenshot Imagine you are going to tour and take lots of photos in your Digital Camera. Unfortunately, you erased the photos mistakenly or it is corrupted.[My girl friend did this stupid thing. At that time i can not help her without knowing about this software.] What can...