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  1. Mr.Tom

    PAYPAL Gift Card Method, Xbox, PlayStation and more

    1) Go to 1) Go to ref (help me help you) LINK: 2) Login with a active email 3) Head over to the "Use Coupons" tab on the left 4) Use all these coupons POINTYNEWYEAR50 TWEETR562 QUANTECH3000 GOOGCOM294...
  2. Mr.Tom

    Google Play carding method

    1. What is required to card google play: CC with CVV Android Application Developer Debit card you will register for your drop Time and patience is very important 2. Process: We will create an application in GOOGLE . Find an application developer, he will create you a game or something like...
  3. Mr.Tom

    Kroger Instore Carding Method (Self Checkout/GC)

    Going to keep this simple and to the straight to the point. This thread is to help noobs, anybody coming out of retirement, and simply education. Kroger is sweet when it comes to instore carding . It’s 2020 and the bigger named stores like Walmart, Target/Super Target, etc have got on game...
  4. Mr.Tom

    virtual Carding XBOX / PSN / Steam wallet and more

    now step 1 : look for potential buyer ask them what payment method they can do ? if they say paypal btc or any . tell them hmm i don't have those payment method ,can you buy me something online for 5$ ? if they agree. tell then you need him to buy you something in offgamers so ask them from what...
  5. Mr.Tom


    UK BANK TRANSFER TUTORIALS so Reason Why UK Bank Transfer is one of my favourites. 1. Almost all scam jobs & Online transfers are centered on USA so there is less attention on UK scams, because of this, it takes a very long time for UK transfer jobs to cast since only a few people...
  6. Mr.Tom

    Netflix Carding Tutorial

    All you need is: 1. Public or Private CC Public: 2. VPN Use your region IP so if they need OTP, you can input your number. You need no OTP, but sometime they asking. As I said, use your number because it doesn't work with...
  7. Mr.Tom

    The LAZY Script

    This script will make your life easier, and of course faster. Its not only for noobs.Its for whoever wants to type less and do actually more. What is this This is a script that automates many procedures about WiFi penetration and hacking. I actually made it for fun for me just to save some...
  8. Mr.Tom

    How to show SuperHidden files in xp and vista?

    Some files will be hidden from Users. If you want to see those files,you have to edit the registry. This hack will fit for both windows xp and Vista. Go to Start-<run Enter as Regedit Navigate to In the right panel ,you can see the superhidden registry Right click on the SuperHidden Change...
  9. Mr.Tom

    List of free sms sites-send message to mobiles

    Here’s the list of free sms sites: newly included websites(as per the user comments): if you know any other services just comment here
  10. Mr.Tom

    Web Attack Vector

    This attack vector provides us with more interesting, sophisticated and diverse ways of attacking users than the first. Speaking about the way through the web, you can select a common feature (with the only exception) that goes through attacks of this type - using a fake web page on an...
  11. Mr.Tom

    Teensy USB hid attack vector

    Thanks to IronGeek and WinFang, a sophisticated attack vector such as the Teensy USB HID (human interface device) appeared in SET . True, this will have to fork out a little , but it's worth it. Teensy is a very small programmable device with a mini-USB interface. Teensy USB on board has an AVR...
  12. Mr.Tom

    Metasploit auxiliary post-modules

    This working directory contains diferent metasploit auxiliary modules writen by me to be of assistence in post-exploitation common tasks. Post-Module Limitations 1º - It only runs againts microsoft windows systems 2º - Its a post-exploitation module (it requires one open session) 3º - It only...
  13. Mr.Tom

    E-mail attack vector [SET]

    We begin our journey with an email attack vector. To do this, select the "Spear-Phishing Attack Vectors" item in the main menu . Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine a person without e-mail, and without the temptation to get something for free - even more difficult. And when a freebie itself...
  14. Mr.Tom

    Finding WPS enabled AP’s

    Welcome back today I will be showing you how to find if a nearby router is WPS enabled in Kali Linux using Wash. A lot of modern routers support Wifi Protected Setup (WPS) and it’s quite often enabled by default by the router manufacturer or ISP. First of all we will need to put our Wireless...
  15. Mr.Tom

    Extra Phishing Scenarios

    Wifiphisher is a security tool that mounts automated victim-customized phishing attacks against WiFi clients in order to obtain credentials or infect the victims with malwares. It is primarily a social engineering attack that unlike other methods it does not include any brute forcing. It is an...
  16. Mr.Tom

    Slowloris Layer 7 DDOS Attack

    Slow Loris is Layer 7 Application (Protocol Attack) it was developed by Robert “RSnake” Hansen don’t be fooled by its power even a single computer could have the ability to take down a full web server single handedly Slowloris is a simple and powerful /DDOS attack it is also known as a...
  17. Mr.Tom

    Hack Captive Portal

    Hack any Captive portal using MAC-spoofing technique This script is using MAC-spoofing technique. This method is the only one which is present in all wireless and some wired Captive portals by design. Once a host is authorized by the Captive portal, its MAC and IP address are allowed...
  18. Mr.Tom

    CC to BTC Full Method :-

    CC to BTC Full Method :- site : TIPS : USE VPN / PRIVATE PROXY USA TO CARD THE SITE BINS WORKING GOOD : 410039/483313/426684/441712481583/426684/480365/427138/432630/438852 1) Go to site : 2) Register for an account with an free email from 3) After you did the...
  19. Mr.Tom


    Tutorial on how to crack accounts such as Netflix, Spotify, and many more!! Things You Need -Sentry MBA -Config File -Combo File -Fresh Proxies Directions 1.) Download Sentry MBA, A Combo file, A Config File, and Proxy scrapper (Links at the bottom of the thread) and open up Sentry MBA. 2.)...
  20. Mr.Tom


    2022 PayPal Business Account Carding with INVOICES Overview Before Method Details: You will be creating a PayPal Business account for you or a random person‘s fullz (name, ssn, dob, etc). You will create an invoice and send to your drop email. Card the invoice Enjoy the funds IF YOU ALREADY...