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Search results

  1. Mr.Tom

    How to Prevent from the Phishing Web page using Domain name?

    Hi friends, in my lost post i guide you to create a phishing web page using original Domain Name. That post is for Attackers. Here this post is for you victim. If you don’t like to become a victim of this Phishing web page, then you should read this post. Oh..!! i am sorry attackers. I must...
  2. Mr.Tom

    Introduction to break Database of Website using Sql Injection

    You may heard about Sql Injection or this is new word for you now. In this post i am going to guide to Hack the website using the SQL Injection. What is SQL? SQL is acronym of Structured Query Language. SQL is common language for communicating with the Database. What is SQL Injection? A...
  3. Mr.Tom

    Break the Database of Website using SQL Injection

    In this tutorial i am going to guide how to hack the website database using SQL injection. First of all you need to understand what is sql injection, so kindly read this tutorial How to Break the Database: Step 1 : First we need to check whether website is vulnerable or not( i meant hackable...
  4. Mr.Tom

    How to do Multiple login in Yahoo Messenger using Registry

    You can login with multiple id’s on the same yahoo messenger without any download or patch . Follow these steps : 1. Go to Start —-> Run . Type regedit, then enter . 2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER ——–> Software —> yahoo —>pager—->Test 3. On the right page , right-click and choose new...
  5. Mr.Tom

    Fortnite free account

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  6. Mr.Tom

    Free nord vpn logins new

    [email protected]:torres11 | Expiration = 2024-03-13 00:29:20 [email protected]:cubiche1 | Expiration = 2023-03-23 00:50:02 [email protected]:Orange1234 | Expiration = 2024-04-17 01:40:13 [email protected]:Wallflower17 | Expiration = 2023-06-23 10:51:37 [email protected]:R0adrunner...
  7. Mr.Tom

    Apple iTunes code + serial

    Code: XF4T25FDRNLNQ68Q Serial Number: GCA2091351650265
  8. Mr.Tom

    Hq ebay accounts

    [email protected]:john6317 | -------------- -------------- [email protected]:Acceso | -------------- -------------- [email protected]:chazz100 | -------------- -------------- [email protected]:TOOLband5241 | -------------- --------------...
  9. Mr.Tom

    Apple log

    Username [email protected] Password Lindsay Email [email protected] Type Name Sean Muramatsu Address Canoga Park 91304 8220 Topanga Canyon Blvd 205 CA Country United State Phone 4529121005547219|01|2024|128|UNITED STATES|Kevin Edmondson|1849 Nela Ave|East...
  10. Mr.Tom

    Fresh netflix standard [no locked accounts]

    [email protected]:Nashville123 [email protected]:loveme4ever [email protected]:collier [email protected]:gisell123 [email protected]:paulac21 [email protected]:a3f6at7t [email protected]:amsterdam2013 [email protected]:magica1971...
  11. Mr.Tom

    Switzerland Master cc

    5428092310151485 | 328 | 12/2024 | Rte de Montmasson 111 | Marsens | 1633 | Switzerland
  12. Mr.Tom

    China credit card ready kill

    Card Number: 5574841522877705 Exp. Date: 05|2024 CVV: 919 Name: Cherida Upstell Address: 382 Merchant Center Country: China
  13. Mr.Tom


    QRLJacker is a highly customizable exploitation framework to demonstrate "QRLJacking Attack Vector" to show how it is easy to hijack services that depend on the QR Code as an authentication and login method, Mainly it aims to raise security awareness regarding all the services using the QR Code...
  14. Mr.Tom

    Wireless security guide: introduction to leap authentication

    Introduction The LEAP (Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol) is a communications protocol that was developed by Cisco for use in point-to-point connections and wireless networks. However, its security flaws became obvious and people quickly came to prefer alternatives. In this...
  15. Mr.Tom

    basic tutorial on how to make a phishing page

    Index: What is a phisher? - 101 Making a T35 Account - 102 Getting Web pages Source Code - 103 Creating Phish File - 104 How to fool people - 105 ------------------------ What is a phisher? 101 ------------------------ A phisher is a fake login page used to gain access to someones account. When...
  16. Mr.Tom

    How To Hack Facebook Fan Pages and Earn Money

    Step 1 - Setup Your Keylogger Or Stealer Step 2 - Save Your Server name as Facebook Likes Increaser/Facebook Tagging/Facebook Pages/FanPage Promotor Step 3 - Upload Your Server Via FTP And Get The Link Some Link like Step 4 - Go To And make your server...
  17. Mr.Tom

    Invest 30$ and make 3000$ (Private Tutorial for making Money)

    1st - You need an web host ( Purchase Any website Host From Cheap hosting server ) 2nd - You need an cubecart script ( Go to your FTP panel and install from web host scripts ) 3rd - Setup the cubecart script 4th - After all installation set a nice cubecart shop style theme 5th - after...
  18. Mr.Tom

    Introduction To Ethical Hacking

  19. Mr.Tom

    3 Steps GMail MITM Hacking Using Bettercap

    Computer security is improving and getting tough day by days, but most of technology leave the users behind about the importance of awareness of the user itself. According to the website this tool is a powerful, flexible and portable tool created to perform various types of MITM...
  20. Mr.Tom

    Luxury ties cardable site

    Site: Bill = Ship Work with public cc Ues or your real IP if you want they ship to your country Otherwise Use of VPN same your drop address Good Luck