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Search results

  1. Mr.Tom

    Brazil Master Credit Gold

    5365370323160122 | 02 | 2026 | 431 | BRAZIL | Fortune sabelo Biyela | 25 Towerhill newlands west Durban 4037 | Durban | KwaZulu-Natal | 4037 | 982336651 |
  2. Mr.Tom

    Netherlands Master Credit Standard

    5248861604605077|05/26|880|Françoise Nieuwenhuijs|Schoolstraat 4|Zegge|Brabant|4735BN|6212360678||
  3. Mr.Tom

    10 Japan High Balance Cc's Approved

    3573653578561042|03/29|298|DAIKI NEMOTO|Kamiishida |Kokuraminami-ku Kitakyushu-shi|Fukuoka|8020833|JP||||Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.1.2; SM-G988N) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 4721620041826384|12/27|185|浅野美津子...
  4. Mr.Tom

    Designer Second Shop Shipped + Proof Easy Hit!

  5. Mr.Tom

    Tips And Method To Carded Apple

    Today i want to share method not bluffing one how to card apple. here is proof and u guys may take a visit to that link to see it.. u can use any contry cc as long it is private one.. so u better get one from buy from any trusted cvv shop like feshop or and manymore...
  6. Mr.Tom

    Teensy USB hid attack vector

    Thanks to IronGeek and WinFang, a sophisticated attack vector such as the Teensy USB HID (human interface device) appeared in SET . True, this will have to fork out a little , but it's worth it. Teensy is a very small programmable device with a mini-USB interface. Teensy USB on board has an AVR...
  7. Mr.Tom

    Money From CC To PayPal

    I'll tell you, how to transfer money from stolen cc to your PP account. There is no nothing hard. 1) Open your paypal 2) Go to Profile -> My Saved Buttons 3) Create Button than a certain amount and copy code for email or integrating button on web page. 4) Found good cc for pp or used hacked...
  8. Mr.Tom


    Pick your bins carefully cause you can't check 100s a time. Create a account at with fake email and credentials check for 5-15 mins the website and place an item in your cart(I used a japanese movie for $14) Place order, create fake info and Fill in the requiredments Choose pay...
  9. Mr.Tom

    Hacking Android Smart Phone

    Welcome back, Today I will show you how to hack an Android smart phone to gain remote access. In this tutorial we will be working with a tool called AhMyth an open source remote access tool AhMyth has many features you would expect to see in a RAT such as Geo location monitoring, SMS modules...
  10. Mr.Tom

    Intercepting Files in Wireshark

    Go to Wireshark and open the file with previously intercepted FTP traffic. Next, go to the TCP stream. Right click on the first package. Follow-> TCP Stream, that is, to put together the entire session: We get this: Here we will see a window that reflects all FTP...
  11. Mr.Tom

    Password Reset in Linux

    To interrupt the GRUB boot (first step) while starting the computer, press and hold the SHIFT key - it always works, even on Linux Mint, where the GRUB menu is turned off by default. Stop the download by holding down the SHIFT key while starting the computer, you will see: Press the "...
  12. Mr.Tom

    Kali Linux VS BlackArch

    I will begin, perhaps, with the most important thing. The level of penetration tester depends on his knowledge and ability to own specialized tools. And in what environment these tools are launched - it does not matter at all. For example, if you check a site for SQL injections, then your...
  13. Mr.Tom

    OWASP Passfault

    OWASP Passfault evaluates passwords and enforces password policy in a completely different way. Running the Command-line Interface: install java 8 jdk cd core ../gradlew installDist run build/install/core/bin/core Running the jsonWebService: cd jsonService ../gradlew...
  14. Mr.Tom

    Interesting Web Technologies to follow in 2024

    The world of web development is constantly changing and it is a challenge to keep a close eye on everything that is going on. Which frameworks will still be relevant in the coming year? And which programming language is most suitable for your web application? Let’s discusses six interesting...
  15. Mr.Tom

    New apple product guide/easy carding

    Hello guys, The sites I share go down so quickly cus u guys card the **** out them, but no worries I find more sites for you guys and I will answer your questions from last time too on which shops I use etc.. Anyways on with the $$$ 1. Be sure to always use security CCleaner, Mac address...
  16. Mr.Tom

    Dropping cpanels From Mr.Tom milocal M!ss1ssauga miexpress M!ss1ssauga sportmississauga 27#0~+-DEw8
  17. Mr.Tom

    AirPods Are Now One of Apple’s Most Important Products

    Few Apple products have suffered the undue scorn and ridicule endured by AirPods. Introduced in late 2016, Apple’s first wireless, Bluetooth earbuds were at first a joke and a meme machine. People thought they looked ridiculous and were certain they’d fall out of your ears and vanish without a...
  18. Mr.Tom

    Socks brazil|Brazil|SOCK5|15m 4s atrás|412ms|OK|Brazil|SOCK5|22m 37s atrás|575ms|OK|Brazil|SOCK5|33m 18s atrás|263ms|OK|Brazil|SOCK5|41m 15s atrás|58ms|OK|Brazil|SOCK5|62m 22s atrás|1000ms|OK...
  19. Mr.Tom

    Initiative Q is not the new Bitcoin, but here’s why the idea has value

    Could free units of a new digital currency end up being worth thousands of dollars? , which is aggressively marketing itself on social media, wants you to think so. It urges you to sign up now, and get your friends to do so as well, to maximise the value of your free “Q” currency. This has...
  20. Mr.Tom

    Amazon’s Cashierless Store Is Almost Ready for Prime Time

    For the past year, Amazon employees have been test driving Amazon Go, an experimental convenience store in downtown Seattle. The idea is to let consumers walk in, pick up items and then pay for them without ever standing in line at a cashier. Amazon is vague on the mechanics, but the store...