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  1. Mr.Tom

    Some use full websites

  2. Mr.Tom

    What Is Cryptocurrency?

    A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency secured by cryptography, which makes it nearly impossible to counterfeit or double-spend. Many cryptocurrencies are decentralized networks based on blockchain technology—a distributed ledger enforced by a disparate network of computers. A...
  3. Mr.Tom

    Vbulletin Logger

    Hello My friendz Cool (Step 1) Go into admincp and make your way to plugins and products. Once there add a new plugin following this format Hook Location : global_start Execution order : 5 Plugin PHP Code : Code: $show['nopasswordempty'] = TRUE; Active: Yes (Step 2) Add another plugin...
  4. Mr.Tom

    Brute Force Vulnerability Discovery [Fuzzing]

    discussions: Code: Foreword xix Preface xxi Acknowledgments xxv About the Author xxvii P ARTI B ACKGROUND 1 Chapter 1 Vulnerability Discovery Methodologies 3 Chapter 2 What Is Fuzzing? 21 Chapter 3 Fuzzing Methods and Fuzzer Types 33 Chapter 4 Data Representation and Analysis 45 Chapter 5...
  5. Mr.Tom

    New PC or New Motherboard

    New PC or New Motherboard? If you don't want to spend big bucks on a new PC, consider upgrading your old system's motherboard and CPU. This can boost the machine's performance and give you access to the latest technologies. It can also save you hundreds of dollars. What you won't get is a new...
  6. Mr.Tom

    Phishing tutorial

    Hello carders, maybe someone will find this usefull! enjoy 1. Intro There are couple of other phishing tutorials around here, but some people seem to have problems understanding them. So I'll try to be as simple as possible. This phishing tutorial is written for newbs, and if you have problems...
  7. Mr.Tom

    Hack a Gmail Account Easily. [Guaranteed]

    Okay I will make the Tutorial Short and Clear. For this I'll Explain you STEP by STEP. -Go to Youtube -Search "Runescape Hacker" or "Runescape Hacker Download Link" -Find the Download Link (They are usually in the comments Section.) -Download the Runescape Hacker Tool. -Don't open the...
  8. Mr.Tom

    Free Amazon Gift Card Trail |NIGHT-BLAZER|

    Amazon Claim Code: KXZJ-45HFZG-QF5AH
  9. Mr.Tom

    Carding Terms for NOOBS 2024

    Billing address -> the card owner address Drop -> innerman. His task is to receive the money or goods and, accordingly, to give the part of the earnings to you. Biling -> office, which has agreement with a bank. Also this office assumes payments for the cards. Card bill -> it’s a Bank emitent...
  10. Mr.Tom

    Shopify Cashout Method

    We use Shopify because it’s simply the best platform to use. Shopify is the best to use because there is no coding required, no experience needed and you can get a store up and running with no design skills! This makes things very easy when it comes to creating your first drop shipping store...
  11. Mr.Tom

    Get Free YouTube views and Like FanPage

    Get Free LIKE FaceBook , Free Views YouTube and Free ALL For FREEE Facebook Likes Facebook Share Facebook Share Facebook Followers Facebook Followers Facebook Post Like Facebook Post Like FB Post Share FB Post Share Google Circles Google Circles YouTube Subscribe YouTube Subscribe YouTube...
  12. Mr.Tom

    [Tutorial] Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Techniques

    ntroduction: > The optimization for search engines (SEO) is the way your page or website as a whole is being indexed by the different search engines in the world. The 'visibility', the ranking and everything related to moving your website to a more decent position when a specific keyword or...
  13. Mr.Tom

    Are Cryptocurrencies Legal?

    Fiat currencies derive their authority from the government or monetary authorities. For example, each dollar bill is backstopped by the Federal Reserve. But cryptocurrencies are not backed by any public or private entities. Therefore, it has been difficult to make a case for their legal status...
  14. Mr.Tom

    Cardable Gift Cards Site With Proof - Amazon, Psn, Google play, More

    Site: You need an good/low non vbv card* don't go for high if u using pub cc steps i use to have the code successfully 1- i use vpn (USA) use (Express Vpn) if u have 2- use PayU gate with usd currency 3- sure u must be fast on taking cards
  15. Mr.Tom

    Google P!ay Card Method

    1. What is required to card google play: CC with CVV Android Application Developer Debit card you will register for your drop Time and patience is very important 2. Process: We will create an application in GOOGLE . Find an application developer, he will create you a game or something like...
  16. Mr.Tom

    Flashsploit - exploitation framework

    Flashsploit is an Exploitation Framework for Attacks using ATtiny85 HID Devices such as Digispark USB Development Board, flashsploit generates Arduino IDE Compatible (.ino) Scripts based on User Input and then Starts a Listener in Metasploit-Framework if Required by the Script, in Summary ...
  17. Mr.Tom

    7 reasons your credit card gets blocked

    Plus: 7 tips for handling it when it happens to you When your credit card company stops a thief from charging fraudulent expenses to your card, you're thrilled. But what happens when they mistake you for the thief? 7 reasons your credit card gets blockedWith $6.89 billion in fraud losses in...
  18. Mr.Tom Carding Method

    Use USA Fresh Same Zip IP (As Per The Cc) 911 Recommended ✔ Go To Mobile Recharge ✔ Choose Operator ✔ Type Your Number ✔ On Next Page SignUp With Cc Detail ✔ You Will Be brought to Payment Page, Submit Billing Address & Cc Num, Expiry & Cvv Click "I Accept Terms & Cond." And Hit Place Order ✔...
  19. Mr.Tom

    Learn The Difference Between - Vpn, Socks5, Ssh & Tor (easy Tutorial For New Carders)

    if you are engaged in virtual carding or plan to start, you should understand that you should pay special attention to security. In this article I will tell you what are the ways of protection and the differences between it. I remind you that virtual carding is making online purchases when you...
  20. Mr.Tom

    How to prevent computer from accessing internet if your VPN crash.

    Ok,this is really small thing,but this thing can save you ass BIGTIME,there were few times when my VPN crashed and my real net was pinging all websites while it was reconnecting,and this is VERY VERY BAD thing,or some other softwares leaks or whatever,its big mess.I didnt wrote it myself,it will...