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Search results

  1. Mr.Tom

    Facebash - Facebook Brute Forcer In Shellscript Using TOR

    Facebook Brute Forcer in shellscript using TOR WARNING: Facebook blocks account for 1 hour after 20 wrong passwords, so this script can perform only 20 pass/h. Features Save/Resume sessions Anonymous attack through TOR Default Password List (+39k) Usage: Code: git clone...
  2. Mr.Tom

    Python-Iocextract - Advanced Indicator Of Compromise (IOC) Extractor

    Advanced Indicator of Compromise (IOC) extractor. Overview This library extracts URLs, IP addresses, MD5/SHA hashes, email addresses, and YARA rules from text corpora. It includes some encoded and "defanged" IOCs in the output, and optionally decodes/refangs them. The Problem It is common...
  3. Mr.Tom

    VulnX - CMS And Vulnerabilites Detector

    Vulnx is a cms and vulnerabilites detection, an intelligent auto shell injector, fast cms detection of target and fast scanner and informations gathering like subdomains, ipaddresses, country, org, timezone, region, ans and more... Instead of injecting shell and checking it works like all the...
  4. Mr.Tom

    How To Change Your IP To The CVV From AnyCountry

    How To Change Your IP To The CVV From AnyCountry Hi guys!I hope you all doing fine. As I told you in the post about cashing out cvv's and cc's for do this job safe and successful you stillneed to know some small but important details.Maybe some of you already try to cash out cvv but the...
  5. Mr.Tom

    Advance And Undetectable Facebook & Instagram Hacking Course (Dedsec)

    This course is originally uploaded by DedSec and It explains 5 different techniques through which you can hack Facebook and Instagram Account ??… It Includes:- –Advance Phishing Pages –Hacking Facebook On Local Networks –Facebook Latest Bruteforce –Hacking Instagram Using Fake Page –Hacking...
  6. Mr.Tom

    ULTIMATE Opsec Guide

    In the past few days I've seen many questions about OPSEC and how to set up your system and be almost untraceable while doing naughty things, therefore I decided to post this ultimate guide which will cover everything that is necessary and even more (if you want to be extra safe). I will begin...
  7. Mr.Tom


    This should be quick and easy. This method requires Paypal Step 1) Your PP's balance must have at least the amount of the nitro that you wish to get Step 2) Create another dummy Discord account Step 3) Using this dummy account and buy the nitro you want as a "GIFT" Step 4) Copy the gift link...
  8. Mr.Tom

    American Spy Hacked

    A hacker gained access to information on the reservation of thousands of hotel rooms in the Middle East. In early 2016, an American hacker hacked into the servers of the hotel website and stole data on thousands of hotel reservations in the Middle East. After two months of...
  9. Mr.Tom

    Hackers Hacked Fbi Email

    Attackers sent out tens of thousands of emails on behalf of the FBI warning of a possible cyberattack. Hackers hacked into the external email system of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Bloomberg informs about it with reference to the statement of the department. The attackers sent...
  10. Mr.Tom

    Hacker Stole A Database Of Government Id Cards Of The Entire Population Of Argentina

    An unknown perpetrator broke into the national register of persons Registro Nacional de las Personas. The attacker hacked into the IT network of the Argentine government and stole the identity card data of the entire population of the country. The hack occurred last month and targeted the...
  11. Mr.Tom

    Bypass MAC filtering on wireless networks

    In this tutorial we will be looking at how to bypass MAC filtering on a wireless network. MAC filtering, or MAC white- or blacklisting, is often used as a security measure to prevent non-whitelisted or blacklisted MAC addresses from connecting to the wireless network. MAC Address stands for...
  12. Mr.Tom

    TP Link Archer C5 Router Hacking

    Today we got our hands on a brand new TP Link Archer C5 router which we will be testing for known vulnerabilities such as hidden backdoors and vulnerabilities, brute force default passwords and WPS vulnerabilities. In this new WiFi hacking tutorial we will be using different tools on Kali Linux...
  13. Mr.Tom

    Recognize the name of the hidden Wi Fi network

    The owners of some wireless access points configure them so that they do not broadcast their name (ESSID). This is considered, in their opinion, additional protection (along with the password) TD. Simply put, a hidden Wi-Fi network (hidden) is a network that is not visible in the list of...
  14. Mr.Tom


    Flying from LA to NYC but the ticket price is horrible? Let us help you. Any flights across US/Canada with only 30% of the retail price. The minimal payment is only 100$. After we will receive your request, we'll send you back an individual listing with final price. Order form: (PLEASE check...
  15. Mr.Tom

    Money From CC To PayPal

    I'll tell you, how to transfer money from stolen cc to your PP account. There is no nothing hard. 1) Open your paypal 2) Go to Profile -> My Saved Buttons 3) Create Button than a certain amount and copy code for email or integrating button on web page. 4) Found good cc for pp or used hacked...
  16. Mr.Tom

    Intercepting Files in Wireshark

    Go to Wireshark and open the file with previously intercepted FTP traffic. Next, go to the TCP stream. Right click on the first package. Follow-> TCP Stream, that is, to put together the entire session: We get this: Here we will see a window that reflects all FTP...
  17. Mr.Tom


    Pick your bins carefully cause you can't check 100s a time. Create a account at with fake email and credentials check for 5-15 mins the website and place an item in your cart(I used a japanese movie for $14) Place order, create fake info and Fill in the requiredments Choose pay...
  18. Mr.Tom

    Password Reset in Linux

    To interrupt the GRUB boot (first step) while starting the computer, press and hold the SHIFT key - it always works, even on Linux Mint, where the GRUB menu is turned off by default. Stop the download by holding down the SHIFT key while starting the computer, you will see: Press the "...
  19. Mr.Tom

    Kali Linux VS BlackArch

    I will begin, perhaps, with the most important thing. The level of penetration tester depends on his knowledge and ability to own specialized tools. And in what environment these tools are launched - it does not matter at all. For example, if you check a site for SQL injections, then your...
  20. Mr.Tom

    Tips And Method To Carded Apple

    Today i want to share method not bluffing one how to card apple. here is proof and u guys may take a visit to that link to see it.. u can use any contry cc as long it is private one.. so u better get one from buy from any trusted cvv shop like feshop or and manymore...