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How To Get a Drop Adress


Staff member
A “drop” is a place, or location, where you have illegal, carded, or stolen goods shipped to. It has to be a place that has no link with your current life and is in no way linked to you.

If your reading this, it means you already know how to succesfully card Amazon, Walmart and Apple, you have full access to the best CC’s in the game.

So now you’re probably wondering:
“How am I going to recieve all this stuff?”

The perfect solution is to send your carded items as a gift, this way you can ship your items worldwide without getting flagged.

“Where do I recieve my items?”

Your drop adress needs to meet the following requirements:
– Never your own adress
– No camera’s

“What is the easiest way to recieve my gift?
“When ordering, write a delivery notice saying: “Do not ring the bell, do not give the package to my neigbours, please drop the package at the front door”


“How do I know when to pick up my gift?”
Follow your shipment with the track&trace and wait near the drop during the delivery window. After the courier delivers your gift, wait until he leaves and pick it up.

Finding a drop is not really hard. You can go on Craigslist and find houses for rent, or just drive around your neighborhood looking for houses for sale where you can ship goods to. Make sure the house has no big windows that allow the driver to see that the house is empty. You don’t want to have the package returned to the sender because of that. Just use your brain to find a decent house that you think is worth shipping a package to. Usually pick a town close to yours, but not in your neighborhood.

The big day has come: UPS tracking shows “Out for Delivery”. Yeah! Now check if the package requires a signature. All carriers require it, except UPS. For UPS, you can see if Signature Required is written on your tracking page. If nothing mentions a signature, or if you are not sure, then signature is not required.

Method 1: Acting like you are away
If you don’t need a signature, you can leave a note on the door, “we are away, please leave package here, take this as my signature” and you might as well print the order confirmation page showing the tracking number and put it with your note to make your case stronger. The driver makes the final decision about leaving the package or not, but usually there is no problem with UPS when they don’t need signature. Sign the note, put the order confirmation page with it, stick it in the door, and wait in your car not far from the place. When the driver leaves the place, grab the package, and put it in your car. Then skip method 2, and continue reading.

Method 2: Acting like you own the place
The second method is when a signature is required. You will have to meet face to face with the driver. Remember one thing, you can relax. The driver’s job is not to investigate fraud, but only to make sure the package does to the right received. So you must just make him believe the package is yours, they don’t care about fraud (but don’t be stupid and talk about your crime). Carry a printout of the order confirmation page, the tracking number open on your smartphone (use VPN!), and look like you’ve been waiting for him. You might wait at the drop, sitting on the front lawn, or doing whatever you want. However keep in mind that waiting in the car when the driver sees you get out of the car is highly suspicious. If you choose to wait at the drop while being visible, take down any “for sale” or “for rent” signs, and call the bank’s automated system prior to showing up to ensure the card is still valid and the police is not waiting for you. Greet the driver, show papers, sign the cardholder’s name, and proceed to the next section.

Sometimes, the driver might get cocky and ask, why your name is not the same one than what’s written on the package, or why you’re not inside. You can tell that you recently moved, and you put it under someone else’s name because you have “problems with customs”. When they get cocky, you can threat them to make a complaint at their local UPS hub, they usually calm down and hand over the package. I had a cocky driver in my last carding trip in Minnesota, and I had to use this method, and I finally got my package.

By experience, when you have brokerage fees to pay (like international package), you can call UPS before getting the order and ask the amount. Leave a money order on the door and the driver will take it and leave the package. You will avoid getting a InfoNotice that way, and the driver will believe you own the place. I did that a lot of times and no failure so far.

Picking your package at the UPS facility
In some unfortunate circumstances, the package can end up at the local UPS facility and will require government-issued ID to be picked up. This happens if you missed your drop, for example. In that case, don’t bother making a fake ID, as there is a better trick.

The package is usually held for 5 business days before it is sent back to the sender. The day the package arrives at the facility is day 0. Two scenarios can happen:

Scenario 1: You get a call from the UPS branch
They will probably call you and say something along the lines of, we have a package for ***** Fakename waiting at the facility for pickup. Just tell them that you don’t know this person. Here’s a sample script of what it should look like:

UPS: Hello, may I talk to ***** Fakename please?

You: I think you may have the wrong number, who is speaking?

UPS: This is the UPS branch, we called the phone number we had on the package.

You: Oh, I was waiting for a package too, and it didn’t get delivered. Is this a package from Newegg, a smal box?

UPS: Yes, we have one small box waiting here, for ***** Fakename.

You: I have a tracking number, can you check if the last 4 digits are 3382?

UPS: Yes they are.

You: I’m very surprised, because my name is Fake Name and I was waiting for this one. I have no idea who ***** Fakename is. They looked confused when I placed the order too.

UPS: Well, the package will be sitting here, just come pick it up when you are ready.

This worked me twice. I had 2 drops to watch at the same time and I missed one package. This allowed me to pick it up.

Scenario 2: You do not get a call
On the morning of day 5, call the toll-free number and ask to be transferred to the local branch. You can do the same scenario, and inquire about a package waiting there for you. You must look confused a bit in your voice and look like someone who was victim of a mistake from the online store, and they will gladly hand over the package to you. Everytime I did it, I never got asked for any form id ID and it was all smooth.

Do not give your real name. Test the card before going (call the bank), and only do it if the card is still live, otherwise it can be dangerous. You can also send a mule if you are too afraid, but I showed my face a few times when the card was still live and never ran into issues.

After getting your package
I sometimes skip this part when I am lazy, but you should be extra careful. Your freedom has no price tag, so take 5 more minutes to do this precaution.

Drive to a nearby park or public place, and open the cardboard packaging. Look for any device that may be tracking your position, such as bugs, GPS devices, etc. Then destroy the shipping label (you can burn it to make sure), throw the cardboard packaging away, and you now have in your hands a precious item you carded using your ATOd card. Also burn the order confirmation page if you decided to go this route and you brought it to the drop! At this point, you can consider your carding heist a “success”! Drive home, relax, you owned the bank and the website.

You can brag about it on the forums with reason. If the card is still valid and there was no tracking device, you can card to the same drop again until the card burns. Get as much as you can out of it. Burn the card to a crisp. I remember getting $18,000 worth of electronics at the same drop, split on 5 orders. This was a money-making week.

All right, you carded the item, ATO’d the account, got items, more items, burnt that drop to a crisp too, now the card is dead… either over the credit limit, or flagged by the cardholder. Never show your face to that drop again, and enjoy your goods!