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Do you really trust your VPN provider?


Staff member

Today's thread is about somthing important , something that we as illigal activists use every day!

iam talking about VPN and specifically about VPN Providers.

so i think that the totality of you already know HMA and Express VPN's providers!

well i have bad news for you ! both of these VPN's record and save Logs / Reply to DMCA complaints .

Long story short 'if you was using one these vpn's you was risking your ass , and unitll now consider your self lucky that no one got you'

* Of course HMA & Express are not the only one who records your activities this is a short list from know vpn's that do the same :

Vypr VPN , Witopia , Express vpn , security kiss , HMA vpn , boxvpn , ipredator , Air vpn , Steganos

Read this Articl:

//Now i think most of you are wondering!

if this is the list of the VPN's we should avoid using! then what are the vpn's that offer best security and privacy!

//-well first thing's first , you need to know what are the qualifications of a Good vpn :

1- Doesnt use & record any any information that could be used to identify the user

2- Requires minimal personal information to sign up

3- Accepts cryptocurrency !!

So at the end i hope this little thread i created helped you even a little , and if it did!
