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  1. Mr.Tom

    Amazon Refund Scamm

    1. Pick something you need to purchase something from Amazon. We should let's assume you need a computerized camera, add one to your truck. 2. Presently, when you have chosen anything you desire (I suggest 1 to 3 things) proceed to look for ink or nail clean. 3. Presently, add the ink or nail...
  2. Mr.Tom


    AMAZON REFUND METHOD 2023 by Carding Forum ILPT: Ultimate Amazon Refunding Guide This guide contains all the knowledge you need to successfully rape amazon and never be caught, and what you do with this knowledge, is entirely up to you. This guide was written on years of experience and some of...
  3. Mr.Tom

    Amazon Refund Scamm From Crdcrew

    1. Choose something you want to buy something from Amazon. Let's say you want a digital camera, add one to your cart. 2. Now, when you have selected whatever you want (I recommend 1 to 3 items) go and search for ink or nail polish. 3. Now, add the ink or nail polish into your cart. 4. Now, you...
  4. Mr.Tom

    Free ubereats refund method 2024

    1. ORDER FOOD 2. WAIT FOR FOOD TO ARRIVE. 3. GO TO UBEREATS SUPPORT. 4. TELL THEM THE FOOD DIDN'T ARRIVE. 5. THEY WILL OFFER YOU A REFUND You can do this 2-3 times / acc Make a new account and repeat. Use a VCC
  5. Mr.Tom

    Amazon Refund Scamm

    1. Choose something you want to buy something from Amazon. Let's say you want a digital camera, add one to your cart. 2. Now, when you have selected whatever you want (I recommend 1 to 3 items) go and search for ink or nail polish. 3. Now, add the ink or nail polish into your cart. 4. Now, you...
  6. Mr.Tom

    Amazon Refund Trick 2024 How to Get refund Without Return

    Here is the latest Amazon refund trick without return for our website readers: Even though Amazon is well known, there are still loopholes that most hustlers are ignorant of. Since time immemorial, I’ve been teaching folks how to use the most recent Amazon refund trick. This post will teach you...
  7. Mr.Tom

    amazon refund

    Hello dear fraudster. Want to share this as it worked great for me. Refund can be hard sometimes depending on what item it his. I orderd a drone for 600 dollar. To amazon i said that it just went on full throtle when i started it and it fleew right in the lake 200 m away. Im like" what the...
  8. Mr.Tom

    Amazon Refund Trick 2024 How to Get refund Without Return

    Here is the latest Amazon refund trick without return for our website readers: Even though Amazon is well known, there are still loopholes that most hustlers are ignorant of. Since time immemorial, I’ve been teaching folks how to use the most recent Amazon refund trick. This post will teach you...
  9. Mr.Tom

    Bitcoin Refund Exploit Method

    Purchased guide from HackForums for $299 now download for free.... No virus file Attachments
  10. Mr.Tom

    >> PayPal Refund Method - Refund any PayPal Payment Instantly <<

    How to refund any payment made on PayPal. I've used this and it only took 15 minutes to get a refund. 1) Go on the transaction, file an item not described/recieved case. 2) Open up PayPal on an app, then tell PayPal that you would like to report and unauthorised charge, normally they would...
  11. Mr.Tom

    [hf ebook worth 55$] magical income - make 300$ everyday or refund + 500$ from me | the only working ebook on hf | smart method | guaranteed income!!

    I purchased this ebook, like a month a go(with 55$) and i am happy to see that this eBook worked for me and i am easily making like 40$-60$ from the method, Leaking this to piss off the seller and HF bcoz i recently got banned from HF. Enjoy guys and hit "like" if this helped you. 8WYmMy2.png...
  12. Mr.Tom

    [share] amazon refund method

    sharing amazon refund method ! 1. First of all, you need to buy something from Amazon. Let's say you want a digital camera, add one to your cart. 2. Now, when you have selected whatever you want (I recommend 1 to 3 items) go and search for ink/nail polish. 3. Now, add the ink/nail polish...
  13. Mr.Tom

    Refund GooglePlay Purchase 2024

    So I have figured out a way to bypass "but we can’t provide a refund for this purchase because it is outside of our refund policy" and got myself a refund. I have stated all the steps I took as you may not get it directly from step 7. Steps I took: 1. Go to google play store on your web...