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How to crack into a soda machine and be a hackerman

Gold Max

Staff member
Welcome to my guide on cracking soda machines, having watched countless videos
as a kid trying to score a free soda (All of them being BS), here you faggots go
Leeching = "ty" comments and or / not liking

Cracking el Soda Machine
Alright, so now not all soda machines are made the same. So for the sake of this tutorial we will be dealing with
a more modern Coca-Cola soda machine (must have keypad)
The Cracking
1.Press the buttons 4,2,3,1 consecutively, this will bring
you to the dealer's menu
2.Now you get to learn the controls, 1 is the back/exit button, 2 is scroll up, 3 is scroll down, and 4 is the select/enter button
3.The dealer menu will allow you to see the SALE, CASH, VER, ERROR, and RTN menus. Also if the machine belongs to a less tech savvy individual, the CPO, tvFL, PASS, PrIC, StOS, COn, TIME, and LANG menus
What the Fuck are these Menus
Glad you asked nigga
CASH-Displays amount of money in the machine
SALE-How many drinks and have been sold and how many from each slot
VER- Machine Firmware version (Pretty fucking useless)
ERROR- Column Jam
RTN-Just returns you to main menu
Now the good ones...
CPO (Coin Payment Mode)- Dumps coins out of machine, you will be asked to specify what type of coin and how much
tvFL- Lets you refill machine with coins
PASS- Change the password to something else
PrIC-Change how much each drink costs , 1 cent drinks
StOS- Fuck with people by changing what each button links to, so like Sprite button gives you a water
COn- Configuration menu, too many to explain have fun in this menu
TIME- Set the time
LANG- Change the language, make it Chinese or something lol