Microsoft Office 2021 LTSC Version 2108 Build 14332.20324 (x86+x64) En-US Pre-Activated
Microsoft Office 2021 LTSC Version 2108 Build 14332.20324 (x86+x64) En-US Pre-Activated | Size: 3.68 GB
Language: English

Microsoft Office 2021 LTSC Version 2108 Build 14332.20324 (x86+x64) En-US Pre-Activated | Size: 3.68 GB
Language: English
Microsoft Office 2021 is a upcoming version of Microsoft Office. The first preview version was released in February 2021. Microsoft Office 2021 is expected to be released in the second half of 2021.
General Info:
Edition: Microsoft Office 2021
Version: 2108
Build: 16.0.14326.20238
System Type: x64
Interface Language: English-US
Author: Victor24
Treatment: Included
Treatment type: Script
The creation of this office installer was inspired by Abbodi1406's script.
From installer to activation was his authored script.
The activation script might not be flagged by any anti virus but the creation of those that I mention in the install note will be block by antivirus.
Install Notes:
1. Disable Antivirus
2. Mount the iso
3. Run the install.cmd with administrator's privilege
4. Set and relax until installation and activation completed.
Note: The office activator is flagged by antivirus due the fact the activator using kms activation.
The activator create task scheduler to check weekly activation for renewal.
The activator placed SppExtComObjHook.dll here >>> C:\Windows\system32\SppExtComObjHook.dll
The activator also created exception list to windows defender.
Name: MSOffice_2021 v64_16.0.14326.20238_x64_En_US_Pre-activated.iso
Size: 3598188544 bytes (3431 MiB)
SHA256: 17DF9E03CD52543516FEC3F5BEE39F7AE326136CA1C53B1A50688964D2425AA4