Before using a vpn, make sure it doesn't store logs. If you don't know what logs are, it means it stores your information and if you couldn't gather, that's bad. I recommend HideMyAss, NordVPN, IPVanish, ExpressVPN etc.
Getting doxed isn't fun and is very bad for the victim, however, not giving out certain information on yourself and keeping yourself to yourself. DO NOT GIVE OUT D.O.B, GENDER, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER, EMAIL, PASSWORD etc. You won't believe the IQ of people these days, that's why I included ADDRESS and PASSWORD
If the website you use stores MAC addresses, I would most certainly recommend changing your MAC before starting. If you're on Kali Linux, you can change mac address without extra downloads. Change to random mac. (tutorials are available anywhere). If you're on windows/macOS then im sure someone knows a method however I don't.
Using a username such as "craig050910" is bad, as you can or can not tell, the last numbers being a d.o.b and the username containing the first name. This is bad people! Please stop doing this!
Before using a vpn, make sure it doesn't store logs. If you don't know what logs are, it means it stores your information and if you couldn't gather, that's bad. I recommend HideMyAss, NordVPN, IPVanish, ExpressVPN etc.
Getting doxed isn't fun and is very bad for the victim, however, not giving out certain information on yourself and keeping yourself to yourself. DO NOT GIVE OUT D.O.B, GENDER, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER, EMAIL, PASSWORD etc. You won't believe the IQ of people these days, that's why I included ADDRESS and PASSWORD

If the website you use stores MAC addresses, I would most certainly recommend changing your MAC before starting. If you're on Kali Linux, you can change mac address without extra downloads. Change to random mac. (tutorials are available anywhere). If you're on windows/macOS then im sure someone knows a method however I don't.
Using a username such as "craig050910" is bad, as you can or can not tell, the last numbers being a d.o.b and the username containing the first name. This is bad people! Please stop doing this!