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Do you want to know Good site ship 90% of the time if you use verified by visa?


Staff member
Do you want to know Good site ship 90% of the time if you use verified by

sites on my list are:
most worldpay sites (but most still ask for verification) its good but there you can find few gold things and you can find there the best gold like bracelets etc just
need phone verification ....

Hey Yo'll ever read this book the "emporer's new cloths" this thread is like it
no ~censored~ real sites with ~censored~ worth selling to make for you risk ya
taking lolololol some post sites you can card chocolates
lololooooooooooooooooooool the only good site in here is maybe and i took from this thread thought i was gonna get me some GOLD!!!!! i went there
and got some for 8 bucks worth looooooooooooooooooooooool so for a change today
i will post a real cardable site and how to card it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so all yo
carders that been carding ~censored~ for a living and need better stuff go
right now to like the past one month i carded it with
generated platinium amex's orders totalling $3000 max and $500 lowest if ya
know how to generate a dead platinium amex then card ya self some wicked
stuff!!! so here is goes first off buy something worth about 200 dollars max
after it gets shipped buy anything ya want and i mean anything am gonna leave
logs here just so you know am not lieing so please get yaself some cash!!!! use
a fresh drop never used on that site will work best, bill and ship to your drop
believe it or not it will WORK!!!!!!!!! then put your drop as card holder for
cvv2 put 0000 thats what i use make sure this is a platinium amex. So do all
this right like i have said and you will get an order confirmation with subject
"orderinformation" in ya email the order status should be "opn" next day you
should get another one with same "opn" when this happens you should get one

more saying "dlv" when you get this brov let your drop know asap! he has to be
there in person to sign cos officemax does not leave on door or anything like
that!!!!! someone has to sign out for em when your order goes through use same
account login and pass and SAME card number use same 0000 for cvv2 card
anything below $3000 card everything ya need i kept ma account for 3 weeks
before it died i carded totall about $ did i find this formula
out don't ask me please just enjoy ya carded stuff! i posted this thing so am
no hyprocrate when you get shipments post feedback to support other
